eight events open to the public between October and December 2009
The first in time was to called "urban metabolism: the possible path towards environmental sustainability" (26-27 May) dedicated to the issues promoting energy efficiency. On June 18, was held at the Milan Triennale exhibition Italian Creativity 2.0, which analyzed trends in corporate culture, business opportunities in the advanced, quality and creativity that underpin innovation. L’8 Luglio a Palazzo Giureconsulti, si è affrontato il tema delle soluzioni tecnologiche per il mondo sanitario con l’evento E-CARE 2.0 mentre l’8 Ottobre avrà luogo Tesicamp , un Barcamp in cui tesisti e neo-laureati lombardi dell'ambito innovazione digitale/new media/comunicazione/arte e design, potranno presentare i loro lavori di ricerca e/o i loro progetti ad imprese ed operatori. Il 20 Ottobre con l’evento Social Money si affronterà il tema della rilevanza economica dei social network, mentre l’evento Editing the Future (22 Ottobre) affronterà la tematica dell’arte e tecnologia. Dal 4 al 5 Novembre con Crossmedia Creative Lab , creative people will have the opportunity to meet with the editorial and marketing managers of broadcasters, content providers and enterprises looking for innovative creativity, the 12th of that month will be Turistarth , the first meeting devoted to cultural tourism and the exploitation heritage with new technologies. The November 9 event "Women & Technologies" will be an opportunity to bring out the contribution of women as creators of technology and the 24th of that month, the event Sustainable Design will address the issue of design with an eye to the Made in Italy. To close the program, in the month of December, there will be an event Digi4All focuses on technology and solutions that reduce the risk of digital divide. Promoters of Events Chamber of Commerce and the Province of Milan together with the Municipality gave birth in 2002 to the Net Economy Forum, to support and encourage the development of the local economy of the net, that is for enhancing and making more visible role as a strategic factor innovation and competitive growth of the territory. The project is in collaboration with Rinenergy, Reshaping Ltd, Cross Creative Ltd, Wireless Ltd, Updating Ltd, Fondazione D'Ars Oscar Signorini, Association Trait d'Union and Didael srl. For the program
Full Forum Net Economy: www.forumneteconomy.it
Contact: Ilaria Bonetti 02/8515.5230 mail Tel: bonetti.ilaria @ mi.camcom.it
urban metabolism With term urban metabolism is the set of transformations, flows of people, matter and energy that animate a city. The event "urban metabolism: the possible path towards environmental sustainability" , will be a meeting devoted to the analysis of projects in wide-ranging and "good practices" that have already been circumscribed in place: the exploitation of ' efficiency energy as the main source of renewable energy with cases of companies, agencies and institutions which have applied: in buildings, lighting, the production process, the plant in the product. It also attempted to address the complexity of urban metabolism through proposed new policies implemented by government and local authorities, national and international.
Location: Palace of the Bells (Milan)
Date: 26-27 May 2009
CREATIVITY 'ITALIAN 2.0 A Case Study on Open Innovation Italian, to review the trends of corporate culture, to provide knowledge and opportunity on the business evolved, making the first of the ideas, the quality and creativity that underlie the innovation of corporate communications in a "social", to 'Enterprise 2.0, as in Italy spread the new business models "Open"? It will enter into the heart of supply chain management and production companies, to identify the characteristics of innovative models, to identify the advantages and disadvantages, and to underline how this evolution in the world record of Italian creativity can become the main engine of recovery in all sectors entrepreneurship Italian.
at : Triennale di Milano
Date: June 18, 2009
E-CARE 2.0 2.0 E-CARE is an event dedicated to interoperability between systems information applicable to health, the projects already started to implement a network of health consistent with the guidelines of the EU and also includes construction of digital clinical dell''architettura, which continuously monitor the citizen in all his movements and that allow all the specialists that you have access, via the Web from anywhere and anytime. The promise of telemedicine applications are numerous and significant not only as regards the management of companies with high complexity such as health care, but broaden the scope of action of the health facility and in particular to home care.
at : Giureconsulti Palazzo (Milan)
Date: July 8, 2009
TESICAMP It is proposed to create a Barcamp in which students graduating students and recent graduates Lombard scope digital innovation / new media / communication / arts and design, can present their research work and / or their projects. The objective is a way to meet, debate and development between academia / academia and the labor market, with a reflection on the prospects of "doing business (start-up). There will also be opportunities for networking among participants and direct visibility of the materials products: these materials will be posted on a blog and a wiki created just as well as project documents the event.
at : Giureconsulti Palazzo (Milan)
Date: October 9, 2009
SOCIAL MONEY Social Networks in recent years have emerged as the phenomenon più innovativo della Rete, che da raccoglitore di contenuti è ora anche (dal punto di vista dei media, soprattutto) uno spazio di interazioni sociali. Social Money è il primo evento in Italia che affronta il tema della rilevanza economica dei social network per le aziende e per i singoli. L’agenda dell''evento è ricca di esperti e protagonisti del settore (aziende, intermediari, utenti evoluti) presentano esempi concreti, e di ricercatori espongono le proprie indagini in campi come il ritorno sull''investimento del social network marketing, la risposta dei partecipanti alle attività di vendita dei lead, le potenzialità di permission marketing e di pay-to-click e pay-to-lead (il destinatario del messaggio pubblicitario, per esempio, la persona la cui relazione con il venditore costituisce il “lead” riceve una parte del denaro pagato per il lead stesso) in ambito social network.
Sede : Palazzo Turati (Milano)
Data : 20 Ottobre 2009
EDITING THE FUTURE Il progetto Editing the future è un’evoluzione della piattaforma Milano in digitale, iniziativa che affronta e sviluppa la tematica arte e tecnologia bandendo un concorso per giovani artisti di New media art. Il progetto Editing the future, affiancandosi all’aspetto pratico del concorso, intende valorizzare l’aspetto theoretical speculation and investigation of the relationship between art and technology, offering a moment of public discussion. The initiative complements the sense of an event dedicated to the promotion of young people engaged in research, experimentation and study of the forms of production and creative communication. The event will be divided into three stages: 1. presentation of university theses on topics of new media art. The graduating students will be nominated by a series of tutors, professors of various universities selected by us based on their experience and scope of their teachings 2. discussion of media experts, academics and critics who make up the Scientific Committee selected to judge the quality of the theses and responsible to the discussion on the latest avant-garde creativity related to new media. 3.case history: A: introduction to the experience of a company that has made the combination of creative / technology, its strong point. B: presentation of an artist who has made this combination the core of his work.
at : Giureconsulti Palazzo (Milan)
Date: October 22, 2009
Women & Technologies
TURISTARTH TURISTARTH (Tourism , Art and New Technologies) is the first event entirely dedicated to tourism and cultural heritage - artistic environment - culture through the use of new technologies. The latest technologies applied to cultural heritage are not yet adequately used to attract tourists and national and international visitors to the city of art, archaeological or natural sites, museums, exhibitions and major events of cultural interest.
at : Giureconsulti Palazzo (Milan)
Date: November 12, 2009
SUSTAINABLE DESIGN Since the advent of industrial design as a fundamental component and formalized the process of creating new products and services (''20 years of last century), the maximum commitment of the designers went to the integration of different drivers of the project. Cost, mass-producibility, maintainability, ergonomics, symbolic content, aesthetics, were the forces, often conflicting, whose membership has produced and produces the world around us. In particular, the so-called Made in Italy did just the balance of strength and its greatest success in the markets. Newest driver design is the so-called sustainability, which in a non-ideological can be defined as: compatibility with the allocation and use of global human society, democratically established.
at : Giureconsulti Palazzo (Milan)
Date: November 24, 2009
CROSSMEDIA CREATIVE LAB A day dedicated to pitching (direct comparison) in which, during a public session, the creative invited through Web sites linked to Creative Cross and More Than Zero will have the opportunity to meet and know those responsible for publishing and marketing of major broadcasters, content providers and enterprises looking for creativity innovative. During the day, will be shown the methods of participation (call for entries), launched the creative briefs and will be taken the first contacts to participate in the selection.
at : Giureconsulti Palazzo (Milan)
Date: November 26, 2009
DIGI4ALL DIGI 4 ALL is an event dedicated to the "Information Society for All ", technologies and solutions that exceed the social differences to make accessible to all the opportunities offered by the web, reducing the risk of digital divide geographically and culturally. The conference proposes to meet the public and private actors to establish a picture of the current situation, existing problems and solutions to facilitate, through the use of new technologies, integration and inclusion in society. All work, including case studies and research, presented in the seminars will be ideally divided in two main areas of intervention: the social dimension and size-geographic local.
at Palazzo Turati (Milano)
Date: December 15, 2009
All these initiatives will be interesting presented during a press conference that will take place on September 16 pv from 11.00 to 13.00 c / o Chamber of Commerce of Milan - Via Marvel, 9 / b - Board Room.