Friday, July 23, 2010

Counter Offer Letter Car Accident

Back to Sermilik - East Greenland Project

Tinitequilaaq to midnight in summer, north of Sermilik

July 28 riparitirò to East Greenland with the first mission of Italiammassalik Project.

Mission, the first of a series of micro-projects to be developed to give support to the population of the villages of Ammassalik, one of the most remote areas of the entire coast of Greenland, aims to take stock of the situation in which people live Inuit Ammassalik, today, and to gather a comprehensive photo and video documentation.

The mission will touch Tasiilaq, the economic center of the region, will cross the long fjord Sermiligaaq in local language: the beautiful fjord ice , will stop in Kulusuk, and stop a few days in the remote village of Tinitequilaaq, staying in a house specially Inuit provision, so as to come into contact with the locals.

to the knowledge of the socio-economic situation of these remote villages in the ice, and will work together with local initiatives to collaborate with economic development.

then ascend the fjord Sermilik until his head, where you throw the mysterious Midgardgletscher of glaciers, the Helheim glacier, which is receding at an unusual speed, and will visit areas of the seal hunt and fishing Inuit population.

Surfing is difficult in the north of the fjord Sermilik

Friday, July 16, 2010

Ontario Concession Trailer

Ammassalik Italy - Eastern Greenland SOS Home

Shipping SAXUM 2008 - walking with the children of Tiniteqilaaq

I finished writing the Project Italiammassalik. Thanks to all who helped by giving valuable advice and input of work.
The project is designed to introduce in Italy the world of Inuit Ammassalik, make it possible, economically viable for people who want to visit these places, and at the same time building bridges of friendship and economic support to the local population.

The project can be visited at:

Development Project is based on piccoli micro-progetti, realizzabili facilmente e velocemente.
Questo perchè ad oggi sono stati lanciati troppi proclami di sostegno e grida di allarme, parole prive di fondamento concreto e realizzabile rimaste ad echeggiare nel vuoto.

Chiedo ora a quanti leggono queste pagine di diffonderlo il più possibile.
L'aiuto, al momento, è quello di far sapere che: esiste il mondo inuit di Ammassalik.

Un grazie a tutti.

Il Progetto in PDF