Monday, February 22, 2010

How To Finish Bracelets On A Loom

Perigeo Onlus: public meeting on immigration

Sabato 27 Febbraio alle ore 16.00
nella Sala Consiliare del Comune di Civitanova Marche
L'Asociazione Perigeo Onlus promuove un incontro pubblico sul tema

L’iniziativa sorge dall'intenzione dell’associazione Perigeo Onlus , attiva nel territorio con progetti di sviluppo culturale e sociale, di intervenire, con le proprie esperienze di international work, the debate on current issues and hot topics of immigration and ethnic integration, which in recent times are discussed by the whole of Italy, with heated and sometimes violent. The approach proposed by

Perigeo Onlus , is to propose an alternative way of integrating immigrants, to promote their integration into society not as foreigners but as an integral part of Italian citizenship.

Information: Perigeo Onlus Tel: 334.8434719 -

Perigeo Onlus cure a publication with assistance from the meeting.


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