Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Change Gear Oil On A Tomos Nitro 150 Scooter

Inuit Ammassalik

Ammassalik one time the Inuit lived in earth houses.
buildings were partially buried, with stone walls and the ceiling in clumps of moss and peat supported by ribs beached whale or tree trunks.
had an average size of six to seven meters long and dk five or six wide, and could accommodate ten to 25 people, all belonging to the same household.

inside a home -1907 - f.to J. Petersen
Interior of house - reconstruction Museum of Tasiilaq
There was accessed through a narrow and curved walking down a couple of meters long tunnel, which prevented the snow and wind to enter.
Inside, the walls were covered with seal skins, which created an interior hot enough. Everything was arranged around a platform, where the people sat and slept.
The illumination was provided by lamps carved in stone of steatite, where it was burned grease seal.
Aeration was achieved through a hole in the ceiling.
In one corner there was a large bottle, where the males urinated directly, and the females you settle its pouring from one container more piccolo: l'orina veniva poi utilizzata per la concia delle pelli.
Ogni gruppo famigliare era diviso dagli altri da una tenda in pelle.
Queste case erano abitazioni 'temporanee', essendo gli abitanti di Ammasslik nomadi.
In estate venivano abbandonate, e il nucleo famigliare si muoveva alla ricerca di territori di caccia più abbondanti.
Durante questo periodo le famiglie soggiornavano in tende di pelli, come in uso ancora ai tempi nostri presso gli allevatori nomadi di renne della Siberia.
Questi accampamenti estivi di caccia potevano essere visti ancora negli anni 1950, eretti nelle zone più a nord dei fiordi di Sermilik e di Sermiligaaq.
Ai primi freddi gli inuit rientravano verso la costa, dove il clima era più mild, but not returning to homes inhabited the year before. We'll build new ones in another place, or uses one found abandoned.

to the current housing Tinitequilaaq
This migration has created a lack of continuous cultural concept of 'home' as we know it, and this has meant that people still give little importance to ' home, considering it more a place of 'permanent' than a place to spend their lives.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Four Wheeled Suitcases Problems

Return from the world of the Inuit

The mission that I led in the villages of Ammassalik is finished. During the two weeks
di permanenza sono state girate ore di filmati, centinaia di fotografie sono state scattate a documentare il mondo di oggi nei confronti del mondo di ieri.
Di questo nei prossimi post darò documentazione.
Ma soprattutto è stato meraviglioso il rapporto di sincera simpatia e di scambio di informazioni sui nostri due diversi mondi di vita, che si è avuto fra il gruppo della missione e la popolazione del remotissimo villaggio di Tinitequilaaq, dove già ero stato due anni fa.
In questo villaggio sono stato colpito dal ricordo che ancora tutti avevano della mia permanenza nel 2008.
Soprattutto i bimbi, quelli più piccoli, con cui per tre giorni avevo giocato e che avevo portato in giro sulle spalle, mi salutavano e mi abbracciavano.
today are already older, and collaborate to support the family, going hunting and fishing.

A Tasiilaq , I met the little 'Elvis', the singer of the village as we had known then, but always grew up with the perky blond tuft and friendly smile.
I'm stupid to see him here, not Tiniteqilaaq, his village.
He was with a group of young girls in the street in front of the pub, and my thought now is being the scourge of alcohol, which here has assumed the dimensions of a real plague, though, after the peak was between generations 60/70 years is now within the range of cities of northern Europe.

landed in Tinitequilaaq (Tinit, as residents call it), I saw that the elderly, few women and small children.
Where were all?
I dreaded what I had said a few hours before Robert Peroni: for next year we expect 100 suicide: a drama for a population of less than 3000 people!
But then ...
then I learned that they were all isolated and stranded in hunting camps north of Sermilik, completely frozen, and closed by icebergs from the turf to winter pack, that despite the advanced season still remain.

Here ... then the sera è arrivato il piccolo Joseph sulla sua biciclettina.
Veloce come un gabbiano, mi ha subito riconosciuto, mi si è piantato davanti e si è messo a ridere...
E una notte, mentre passeggiavo con lui per le strade avvolte dalla nebbia, sottile, che saliva dal Sermilik, è arrivato in barca, stanchissimo da Tasiilaq, anche il piccolo 'Elvis', che stava là, semplicemente per ... studiare.
Erano tutti salvi, i miei piccoli amici!

Il giorno della partenza , prestissimo, forti colpi contro la porta della casa inuit dove eravamo alloggiati ci hanno svegliati.
Che era successo di tanto importante, da venirci a call at that hour?
Nothing, just the little friends came to greet me, and tell me that they went out for fishing, and that we would see, perhaps, once again in future years?

The world is changing Inuit , go fishing with the boats and no longer kayak, have no more guns and harpoons, dressed in down jackets, but their hand is always stretched to the friendly welcome guest and unobtrusive.