"New library, money wasted"
"Nearly two million euro transfer to a library in a building that will have an area of \u200b\u200bonly seven square meters more than at present." The recent presentation project for the new library, by the administration Nesladek, not at all convinced the coordination of the PDL, in a statement that expressed some doubt about the structure that will rise in Europe of Giadini
the costs of the planned work of about 720 000 €, according to the center Muggia "will be added to any item of expenditure for the new communal kitchen, the new headquarters of the brigade and civil protection, renovation of the old library, and the expropriation of a portion of the building currently private property, that overall spending will rise to 2 million euro. "
According to the PDL, the "future structure will, as mentioned, a dimension of only seven square meters more than at present, and will not be enough space to accommodate the archives. " Dry
replication by the Directorate of Youth Policy, Loredana Rossi, "The figure of 2 million, already pulled out with strange calculations by the former Socialist mayor James Ross (now Rothenhaisler, ed), does not stand up, even because the actual building of the library will not be renewed as it is in good condition, while the new offices and communal kitchen brigade have yet to be identified, provided that the current structures were totally inadequate. " The commissioner also
red mouth the square footage of the speech: "The current library has an area of \u200b\u200b260 square meters - -. Notes The new but it will have something like 420, with the current stock brigade only for archives, but now that sacrifice space for the library itself. "
Recalling that the project "may still be subject to minor changes", the commissioner highlights instead "the regret for not being able to design a building even larger. One hypothesis, however, impossible given the constraints of existing landscape. " Richard
Nearly 2 million euro to transfer a library with just 7 square meters more! In essence
these are the facts. Why do we say this? Simply because comparing the data with that of the old library Nesladek that the junta will not achieve any objective is being achieved for improvement: only exaggerated what a waste of money equal to 720,000 €!
the cost of the proposed works must then be added to any item of expenditure for the new communal kitchen, the new headquarters of the brigade and civil protection, renovation of the old library and the expropriation of a portion of the building is currently in private ownership that drives The total expenditure of € 2 million.
The idea of \u200b\u200bthe new library came from a very few people, some of whom had joined the the draft Agenda 21, according to the junta Nesladek sufficient to justify the implementation of retrofitting existing headquarters that do not add anything particularly significant (except, perhaps, the 'architectural appearance). To the many doubts about this have been very few convincing answers from those who presented the project: only justifications for forms or information which in fact were going to get around the topic.
Two bedroom 5x5m, 4x4m one from two rooms of 60 square meters, the rest are the scales and therefore no doubling of the library, but only a partial expansion of existing areas of less than 7 square meters.
The new location can not be compared with regard to some wonderful e luminosa esposizione di quella al centro Millo in particolare per la bella vista sul mare. Forti i dubbi sull’individuazione degli spazi da adibire ai 28 mila volumi, oltre che per i pochi mq utili, anche perché con le vetrate previste sarà impossibile collocare le mensole e gli archivi.
Non sarebbe meglio spendere di meno aumentando lo spazio a disposizione dell’attuale biblioteca, magari spostando uno o più uffici comunali che attualmente confinano con essa?
Nessuno pensi che il PDL è contro la biblioteca o la cultura, anzi!!! Siamo semplicemente contro a questi ulteriori sprechi immotivati della giunta Nesladek!!!
Il Coordinamento del Popolo della Libertà di Muggia