Tuesday, October 26, 2010

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library, wasted money

"New library, money wasted"

"Nearly two million euro transfer to a library in a building that will have an area of \u200b\u200bonly seven square meters more than at present." The recent presentation project for the new library, by the administration Nesladek, not at all convinced the coordination of the PDL, in a statement that expressed some doubt about the structure that will rise in Europe of Giadini
the costs of the planned work of about 720 000 €, according to the center Muggia "will be added to any item of expenditure for the new communal kitchen, the new headquarters of the brigade and civil protection, renovation of the old library, and the expropriation of a portion of the building currently private property, that overall spending will rise to 2 million euro. "
According to the PDL, the "future structure will, as mentioned, a dimension of only seven square meters more than at present, and will not be enough space to accommodate the archives. " Dry
replication by the Directorate of Youth Policy, Loredana Rossi, "The figure of 2 million, already pulled out with strange calculations by the former Socialist mayor James Ross (now Rothenhaisler, ed), does not stand up, even because the actual building of the library will not be renewed as it is in good condition, while the new offices and communal kitchen brigade have yet to be identified, provided that the current structures were totally inadequate. " The commissioner also
red mouth the square footage of the speech: "The current library has an area of \u200b\u200b260 square meters - -. Notes The new but it will have something like 420, with the current stock brigade only for archives, but now that sacrifice space for the library itself. "
Recalling that the project "may still be subject to minor changes", the commissioner highlights instead "the regret for not being able to design a building even larger. One hypothesis, however, impossible given the constraints of existing landscape. " Richard


Nearly 2 million euro to transfer a library with just 7 square meters more! In essence
these are the facts. Why do we say this? Simply because comparing the data with that of the old library Nesladek that the junta will not achieve any objective is being achieved for improvement: only exaggerated what a waste of money equal to 720,000 €!
the cost of the proposed works must then be added to any item of expenditure for the new communal kitchen, the new headquarters of the brigade and civil protection, renovation of the old library and the expropriation of a portion of the building is currently in private ownership that drives The total expenditure of € 2 million.
The idea of \u200b\u200bthe new library came from a very few people, some of whom had joined the the draft Agenda 21, according to the junta Nesladek sufficient to justify the implementation of retrofitting existing headquarters that do not add anything particularly significant (except, perhaps, the 'architectural appearance). To the many doubts about this have been very few convincing answers from those who presented the project: only justifications for forms or information which in fact were going to get around the topic.
Two bedroom 5x5m, 4x4m one from two rooms of 60 square meters, the rest are the scales and therefore no doubling of the library, but only a partial expansion of existing areas of less than 7 square meters.
The new location can not be compared with regard to some wonderful e luminosa esposizione di quella al centro Millo in particolare per la bella vista sul mare. Forti i dubbi sull’individuazione degli spazi da adibire ai 28 mila volumi, oltre che per i pochi mq utili, anche perché con le vetrate previste sarà impossibile collocare le mensole e gli archivi.
Non sarebbe meglio spendere di meno aumentando lo spazio a disposizione dell’attuale biblioteca, magari spostando uno o più uffici comunali che attualmente confinano con essa?
Nessuno pensi che il PDL è contro la biblioteca o la cultura, anzi!!! Siamo semplicemente contro a questi ulteriori sprechi immotivati della giunta Nesladek!!!

Il Coordinamento del Popolo della Libertà di Muggia

Monday, October 25, 2010

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Hello Paul .... a life in politics

From The Little of October 24, 2010 - Page 21 - Trieste

Volsi Dead, a life in politics

MUGGIA He died yesterday after an illness from which recently seemed to have recovered, I turned Paul I., 74, secretary of the last section of the DC Muggia, city councilor to the financial statements in the past come Gasperini and later board member of Muggia the PDL. Captain of the car, I turned it had been for many years owner ship after working as a technician and test of large navia. He had a birthday a few days ago with his wife Maria Grazia, receiving visits from friends and people sharing the same passion for politics.
After the experience gained in the Christian Democratic Party, which was precisely the secretary of the Chamber until 1993. From 1996 onwards, was one of the closest political advisers to the then mayor of Muggia Roberto Dipiazza and then in 2001, with the mayor Gasperini, became assessor to the budget. From 2007 to 2009 he was a member of the Coordination of municipal Force Italy to then become part of the Coordination Muggia the PDL.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Cabo San Lucas Weather Vs Cancun


di maggior rilievo alla celebrazione del Pdl unito (se si eccettuano quelle scontate di Menia, Sbriglia, Lippolis e Rescigno), è quella del vicesindaco Gilberto Paris Lippi, mentre Fulvio Sluga si agita in corridoio pare senza eccessivo entusiasmo. In sala oltre ai tre ”saggi” de Ferra, Giacomelli (accompagnato dal figlio Claudio assessore comunale) e Dressi, Tononi mette in rilievo la presenza anche di Denis Zigante, presidente della Lista per Trieste a significare che anche i superstiti ”meloniani” sono rimasti nel Pdl. Ma anche quella di altre aderenti estranei alla storia sia del Msi che di An com’è il caso del medico Francesco Franzin definito ”l’anti-Lupieri” in contrapposizione al regional medical director of the Democratic Party. There is no shortage of people in cultural life and economy of the city: the singer Umberto Lupi, the president of the Federation premises Benjamin Noble, a lawyer Federico Pastor. And then the former President of the Province Fabio Scoccimarro Mr Renzo de Vidovich, the deputy mayor of Duino Aurisina Massimo Romita, president of Terminal Fernetti George Maranzana. More discounted admissions by former forzisti: in fact the mayor Dipiazza head and then the provincial coordinator Sandra Savino, councilors and municipal Rovis Marina Paul Vlach, the leader in Camber Piero City, the regional director Maurizio Bucci in the Region together with the Camber same and Bruno Marini had threatened to set up an independent group from Trieste. "But a regional coordinator - said yesterday Gotthard - should always have ready a team of firefighters to extinguish the fires lit by arsonists."

of Sylvius Maranzana
Little - October 17, 2010 page 18 section: TRIESTE

Monday, October 11, 2010

Free Poptropica Account With Canon


until December 4, 2010 the hills of Turin will host the exhibition of the Theatre Project and Science " Boundaries", a series of joint events the 4th edition, after "Classical and Science", "Women and Science" and "Astronomy."

The exhibition includes three guest performances by five productions under five guidelines: the red line dramatic , the golden line opera, the blue line shows the guests, the green line of arts, the pink line or lumière of video installations . So, theater, music, dance, song and video installations for a review on the borders of Science.

Theater and Science relies on the guidance of mathematics and playwright Maria Rosa Menzio Turin, for years engaged in the dissemination of science through various modes of expression .

Scheduled twelve evenings free entry to : An amazing journey where the language of theater is combined with the various arts , continuing to use the video of fractals (mathematical objects occurring in charming graphic forms) that this year will show the viewer a series of abstract paintings in movement. On stage, actors and singers who are distinguished largely by the Teatro Stabile or Teatro Regio in Turin.

The theme was chosen after a careful examination of scientific issues better suited to one year (2010 ) filled with celebrations in Turin and throughout the world.

In fact, in 2010: Turin •
host ESOF
• Turin's the exhibition of the Shroud
• Torino is the European Capital of young
• missing a year to celebrate the 150th anniversary of
Italy • celebrate the International Year of Biodiversity

In a year as "special" there are questions about the boundaries between faith and science , on certain ethical limits of technology, science and society on the binomial and there will be a renewed appeal to young people because they keep the passion with know (especially the sciences), and be mindful of ethical limits of the application knowledge, and because it can be overcome with dignity the biological boundaries.
So we'll talk about an investigation on the boundaries of science, the intellectual debate of the two spheres of art and science, the limits of knowledge. "LIFE IN THE OPINION " for example, covers the topic of human cloning (Science for the Pillars of Hercules) recalls the experiment of Dolly the sheep and the subsequent international discussions, films and writings on the subject (the novel " Do not leave me "by Ishiguro).

October 3 / 4 December 2010

Art director Maria Rosa Menzio

Collina Torinese
Union of Municipalities Andersonstown - Pavarolo - Pine - Pecetto
town of Chieri - Cirie - Castelnuovo Don Bosco - Ronsecco
City of Turin (Royal Riding Stables - Church of the Holy Shroud - Teatro Astra - Villa Public Library Torinese Amoretti)


Thursday, October 7, 2010

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consistent Elections, the PDL rejects the hypothesis Grizon

MUGGIA. Is the only name so far been identified in the center-THE RACE FOR THE CHAIR OF MAYOR

strong reservations of the councilmen. The deputy coordinator Tononi, "There are other good people '

considerable doubts and many reservations about the nomination for mayor of Claudio Grizon. The only name revealed so far in the race for the center seat of mayor, with elections to be held in the spring, is rejected by councilors of his own party. And the provincial deputy coordinator of the PDL, Piero Tononi, leaves the door open to other possibilities: "There are many other good people as well as Claudius, who can aspire to a reasoned application of the mayor of Muggia, then I would say that nothing is taken for granted."
"People are expressing forti perplessità su Grizon, e quindi credo che il partito non possa non tenerne conto». Dennis Tarlao, consigliere comunale eletto nelle liste di Forza Italia, non usa mezzi termini esprimendosi così sulla possibile candidatura a sindaco di Claudio Grizon, il nome più gettonato per rappresentare il centrodestra alle prossime elezioni amministrative. «Fermo restando che non c'è nulla di personale nel mio giudizio - precisa Tarlao - ritengo che vi siano altri candidati più validi, ad esempio tra le donne, ma non solo».
Dennis Tarlao potrebbe essere un candidato sindaco? La risposta dell'interessato è chiara: «Ne sarei lusingato ma è assolutamente prematuro. Almeno per ora preferisco dare il mio contributo per the team of the PDL. "
the same vein the views of Christian Gretti, elected in the ranks of the National Alliance: "I am not sure that the consent of the people of the Centre in respect of Grizon is well established - notes Gretti -. I think the visibility and political confidence has reached are not automatically the best solution to be the mayoral candidate of the PDL. To be the mayor of all citizens takes other characteristics. "
Gretti then pulls into play the issue of alliances with other political actors, "Surely we must also gauge the mood of the Northern League and other subjects included in the scope of the center, but in the end to decide who may not be the provincial coordination. " On its own candidature Gretti has no doubts: "Time to time, I have yet to build up experience, further on, you see."
The leader of the PDL Board Viviana Carboni, however, Grizon acknowledging the wealth of political experience, however, shows how the same Grizon "should listen to the people by broadening its range of age, not focusing only on certain times. If you want to be mayor of all we must also look at some less familiar, and then learn more about. "
The only one who seems to bear the sword is Massimo Santorelli party colleague: "I believe it is premature fare dei nomi, ma se in effetti sarà Claudio Grizon a rappresentare il centrodestra, visto anche il rapporto d'amicizia che intercorre tra di noi, ritengo sarà giusto creare un fortino per sostenerlo nella sua candidatura contro il centrosinistra».
Dagli altri comuni i giudizi sono vari. Il capogruppo dei Fi-Pdl a Trieste, Piero Camber, si limita a sottolineare come «Grizon sia il nome che ha più visibilità a Muggia». Da Sgonico invece il capogruppo Denis Zigante rileva come nella città rivierasca «non esista un candidato naturale del centrodestra». Secco infine il commento di Roberto Drozina, capogruppo del Pdl-Udc a San Dorligo, che ammette di «non ritenere Claudio Grizon il candidato ideale per dare certezze the PDL for a positive result in Muggia.
from "Il Piccolo" for Wednesday, October 6

Monday, October 4, 2010

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Tarlao The only search visibility

"Controversy free and useless, with the only goal of visibility." So the opposition councilors Carboni (Fi-Pdl), Prodan and Gretta (An-Pdl), commenting on the statements councilor Robert Tarlao in connection with the financing of the City for Carnival . "Well, did the adviser Santorelli - Continuing the three members of opposition - to point out that the Carnival is the Milje and not the politicians who use it per la propria immagine. Il piano anticrisi, proposto dalla maggioranza, oltre all’impegno di un contributo per il Carnevale finanziava voci di spesa sulle quali abbiamo sempre nutrito forti dubbi di efficacia». «Al contrario nel nostro documento – aggiungono – presentato in consiglio comunale in alternativa a quello della maggioranza, non solo il contributo sul Carnevale non veniva assolutamente modificato, ma ponevamo maggiormente la nostra attenzione sul finanziamento di altri capitoli di spesa, rivolti in maniera più efficace al supporto delle famiglie in difficoltà e al comparto economico locale, al contrario della distribuzione di contributi a pioggia pre-elettorali di questa aministrazione».
NOTE: In the press had also reported:
"This majority and so conceited about herself that has not even noticed that the last
their City Council representative, Councillor
Veronese , came out of the classroom at the time of the vote on the
reconnaissance programs. This document is approved certain items of expenditure of the "famous" Anti-Crisis Plan
", and it is clear the sharp contrast of the council of Verona, the choices of this center that now floats to make ends mandate"

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snow tractor lost the € 60 thousand

Nerio Nesladek The mayor has declined to an altitude of about 60 000 € of regional funds for the purchase of a tractor equipped for snow removal that the province is preparing to allocate only between Duino Aurisina and the Consortium of wooded Padriciano but then they want to spend 25 000 taken from the municipal budget to buy salt shaker half. " The Christian claim Gretta and Claudio Grizon opposition center-city council Muggia, recalling that the notice issued by the provincial expired on August 2 and were only allowed to apply the administration led by Mayor George Ret and the Consortium of which will Padriciano 68 000 respectively, at a cost of 83 000 and 57 000 euro, on a charge of 70 000. "The regional funding available therefore covers almost 82% of the purchase of the tractor - he concludes - and, if the Muggia had applied the amount would be divided into three, and presumably would have gone about 60 Muggia thousand € "

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Caresana and new sewers will Prebenico

Muggia City Council unanimously approved the resolution for the preliminary design for the construction of a sewer to serve the villages of Caresana and Crusade Prebenico belonging to the City of San Dorligo Valley. The vote was passed with an amendment proposed by a special adviser to the center-right Christian Gretti: "In the preliminary draft had a paragraph bearing the indication of a possibility of contribution by the municipality of Muggia for further work - explains Gretti-but the amendment I proposed is inserted instead explicitly that none of the charges made for the intervention could be referred to the City of Muggia. Gretti then showed how to support the declarations of non-expenditure of City Milje there is a letter from the City of San Dorligo delivered last week. Overall the work will cost us about € 685 000. (Rt)