The rededication the PDL with Maurizio Gasparri, chairman of the Senate, but also an old friend of Trieste, high priest. happens in overcrowded premises in Piazza Goldoni and the front row are in line, almost three-testimonial statements, historical monuments, many local party: Claudio de Ferra fighter of the Social Republic, Sergio Giacomelli for over 16 years of Federal Social Movement and Sergio Dressi spearhead of the National Alliance and a candidate to become the regional deputy coordinator of the PDL. Gasparri words of love and happy memories for all three. "Here are both the Social Republic, the Social Movement, which the National Alliance: Here in our world is full," says Piero Tononi, provincial deputy coordinator of the PDL. As if to say, only a few days away from the press conference given by Roberto Menia in the same place where there is also the photo of the inauguration at the hands of Gianfranco Fini, that there is nothing that the Right is out of the PDL. "Everyone must be wise and do not give Chance to left - he warns Gasparri, evidently referring to Fini - the different choices I consider wrong, but respect. Changing your mind is right, the world is beautiful because it is free. It is important not just end with the help against the deployment is now clearly losing. " Conscious also of his personal friendship with Menia and Fini, the president of PDL senators also pointed out, however, did not come to Trieste 'identity or for revenge, nor to do with any controversy. " He recalled a meeting of the MSI of 1987 Pine Tatarella wanted was done in Trieste and more recently delivered the medals in memory of the martyrs who died in the riots under the GMA, "the last heroes of the Risorgimento ', in occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the return of 'Italy at Trieste. "We made a choice of coherence and continuity," said Regional Councillor Angela Brandi. "It was we who invented the PDL in Trieste before he was born - said the mayor Roberto Dipiazza, an absence of representation for commitments - We are working together for many years and I am experiencing a first fortnight in Muggia and then to Trieste. The results are good we are first in Italy for quality of life. " "Is this a project we have undertaken the PDL everyone together, even if someone with a bit 'of a stomach ache - spoke Luca Ciriani, vice president of the region - we renew our allegiance to the past, the ideas do not change, we continue to serve the same ideals. All the battles we fought on the eastern border with citizenship to 100 percent in the PDL. " " We have only one word is just an honor to defend," added MEP John Collino. And Isidoro Gottardo, regional coordinator said that the administration has left debts Region Illy in a billion. "At Serracchiani, so naive that seems to come from advertising Mulino Bianco replied: allows us to pay the debts they have done." He also noted that 85 percent of citizens want the elections to single shift. "So it is there that we are going towards," he said noting however that "I never saw Berlusconi impose candidates," referring perhaps to the candidate for mayor of Trieste. And Gasparri was able to conclude with a loud voice saying that "we are proud of our decisions of yesterday, today and tomorrow." The absence
di maggior rilievo alla celebrazione del Pdl unito (se si eccettuano quelle scontate di Menia, Sbriglia, Lippolis e Rescigno), è quella del vicesindaco Gilberto Paris Lippi, mentre Fulvio Sluga si agita in corridoio pare senza eccessivo entusiasmo. In sala oltre ai tre ”saggi” de Ferra, Giacomelli (accompagnato dal figlio Claudio assessore comunale) e Dressi, Tononi mette in rilievo la presenza anche di Denis Zigante, presidente della Lista per Trieste a significare che anche i superstiti ”meloniani” sono rimasti nel Pdl. Ma anche quella di altre aderenti estranei alla storia sia del Msi che di An com’è il caso del medico Francesco Franzin definito ”l’anti-Lupieri” in contrapposizione al regional medical director of the Democratic Party. There is no shortage of people in cultural life and economy of the city: the singer Umberto Lupi, the president of the Federation premises Benjamin Noble, a lawyer Federico Pastor. And then the former President of the Province Fabio Scoccimarro Mr Renzo de Vidovich, the deputy mayor of Duino Aurisina Massimo Romita, president of Terminal Fernetti George Maranzana. More discounted admissions by former forzisti: in fact the mayor Dipiazza head and then the provincial coordinator Sandra Savino, councilors and municipal Rovis Marina Paul Vlach, the leader in Camber Piero City, the regional director Maurizio Bucci in the Region together with the Camber same and Bruno Marini had threatened to set up an independent group from Trieste. "But a regional coordinator - said yesterday Gotthard - should always have ready a team of firefighters to extinguish the fires lit by arsonists."
of Sylvius Maranzana
Little - October 17, 2010 page 18 section: TRIESTE
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