Friday, March 4, 2011

I Am Finding Mucus From My Pregnant Goat


Tomorrow is another day.
Tomorrow ... I wake up like today.
I'll watch the same sky that I see every day.
Tomorrow .... love the same people
I next many years. I'll talk on the phone
with whom I wax or try me ...
Tomorrow .... want to do what I have not always done and hope
ancora in tante cose belle.
Domani .... abbraccerò i miei nipotini come sempre.
Domani .... cercherò mille soluzioni per crearmi dei bei momenti
con le persone che amo....Amerò domani come lo
amo oggi e ringrazierò Dio perchè la vita è solo un
soffio leggero e va vissuta
giorno per giorno...con tutto l'amore di cui sono capace,
per riuscire a non cadere a terra nonostante tutte le
difficoltà che purtroppo ho sul mio cammino!
Domani ... farò il possibile affinché sia meglio
di oggi,per vivere ogni singolo
momento e apprezzare ciò che ho, per provare ad essere
felici ogni giorno . Magari domani non accadrà niente, ma almeno ci ho
sperato e ci ho provato .
Domani ... è un altro giorno volendo scoprirlo perchè
Ogni giorno è diverso da ieri.
Anch'io ho il mio angelo custode. Tante volte mi capita di sentirmi abbandonata in mezzo al mare e sto per affogare, poi arriva lui e mi ricorda che so nuotare e anche lottare! Ogni volta che mi salvo divento più forte di prima, ma mi resta sempre una cicatrice. Sono le dure prove della vita che sono chiamata a superare e che mi offrono la possibilità di non rimanere con le mani in mano, ma di combattere e vincere quel tanto che mi serve per sopravvivere nel bene e nel male . .

Thursday, March 3, 2011

2010 E Coupe Convertible


Acc om dat or evi. the party is in zi to ta.

Today, March 4 and my birthday.
I set up my virtual house for you dear friends
bloggers and friends.
Today I write something, but for a time
prefer that you you to talk to me.
I sit at the table below and you listen.
I prepared a beautiful buffet for you
cake, sparkling and roses.
I wanted to do more
but the emotion me blocked.
seems strange , but it is true.
Ora apriamo le danze.
Buon divertimento.
A voi e a me.

Il caffè di Lina per tu tti.
A pink to say thanks
to you that you six applicant date me
in this day.

the friends who are participating at my birthday party sono.Un thanks goes to my sister in law if the place is beautiful. A thank you Rosy

zicin - Rosy- Constantine - the poet of the sky - Pasquale - The Blog laura -Chica - Maddalena brasil - Jans the Follettina - Busculandia Paola - Paola world - Cimmino Emy - Erika Elizabeth- - The monticiano -Riri Gabe - Francy - Paola Carnival - Sofia -Jara - premium World paola - Giusy - -Star Jose 'the Portuguese- Nicola - Taty- Chicchino - Nina words intertwined - Laura faceblook the -clade - Tomaso -Arianna- Rossana - Gabe-Thomas-Catherine- hoopoe-Chica - Penny "The world in two Penny _ Lilly- Sebastian - nacasadorau -


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Yorker University Digital Economy

The program of specialized courses in Digital Economy are aimed at preparing for a professional to the highest thickness and cut management can anticipate and manage business processes of both companies classical culture those born in the industrial era of the Web

The course will focus in particular

corporate strategy at both corporate and strategic business unit of planning policies and strategic goals Marketing and proactive in Internet Marketing reality in quick change and the evolution of the concept of marketing mix production decisions related to strategy and their importance for the survival of

Control as verification of the use of resources to support business decisions Finance and business decisions for the use of financial resources required to generate a higher value to the opportunity cost organization and definition of organizational structures and operational mechanisms to achieve strategic results internationalization of enterprises, study of support instruments internationalization and Community financial instruments Use social networks and the web as theoretical knowledge and application of new media to increase search engine positioning, reputation and sales of a company.

The courses are held by distance learning (internet) with lecture notes and tests and teacher-to-date online for the duration of the course, allow the candidate to attend the course at a distance without compulsory attendance, with benefits for those who have work commitments, professional or family.

part of the course will analyze the impact of the use of multimedia and info-telematic technologies on various aspects of teachers' education and work.



Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Control of the neighborhood is good for nothing "

Mariucci criticizes the proposed safety Nesladek launched by the mayor, but there are those who endorse

MUGGIA - "Security must be assured by, or by the police and not can be left in the hands of citizens. " Joachim Italo Santoro, a former alderman and now leader of the Civic Party Together for Muggia, did not like the proposal of the supervisory districts participated in the launch by the Mayor Nerio Nesladek. "It is not a feasible proposal because it depends too much on the conscience of individual citizens - continues Santoro - without considering the merits and sincerely I can not understand how the police have accepted such a proposal. Critical also the director of the PRI, Andrea Mariucci: "If you need additional security measures to the already good work done by the police maintain that this should suggest what to do to be more effective." According to Mariucci, "citizens can work together, but if there is a sharing of law enforcement throughout the proposal sounds much like a tank and then leave time that is." Less caustic point of view of the coordinator of the PDL Muggia, Claudio Grizon: "I think it is a valid proposal overall, but could also be implemented first, since the reporting of safety problems emerged long ago. Anyway I hope that the project is shared by the police. " Grizon then highlighted as a "supervisory involvement may be a small step forward but is actually based exclusively on the public spirit of the people, without concluding anything concrete." On the same wavelength the deputy coordinator of the PDL, Christian Gretti " If the police have asked to support this initiative is obviously a good choice. I admit that I do not know if the problems will be solved, provided that enhance the sense of civic Milje is a positive factor. " Gretti then emphasized "the need to increase of surveillance cameras and more points light, to further facilitate the task of police and carabinieri . Satisfied but with reservations Another candidate for mayor of Muggia, Ferdinand Speech: "The fact that the territory is carefully vigilant Milje a good idea, of course now we see the receptivity of the public. It could be a real opportunity for further strengthening the community especially at a time when society tends to neglect the others. " Parlato added that "it is not make spies like someone might mistakenly think, but certainly with more information to citizens, on this point, it would be desirable by the city administration." (

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The program of specialized courses and Master in Computer Science & Engineering are aimed at preparing a Computer Science Engineer, a professional high thickness with high technical-scientific skills.

The computer engineering deals with the design, execution and management of hardware and software disclosure, industrial automation, robotics, information management and finance of personal data, medicine and all those application fields with high added value that today contribute to raising the quality of life.

The preparation of a Computer Science Engineer is based on a range of skills relating to the study of the architecture of computers, operating systems, applications, graphics and graphical interfaces for user applications, the study and design of computer networks, computer vision and multimedia databases, and telecommunications.

In support of these skills will be deepened in the knowledge of basic scientific disciplines (physics, mathematics, statistics)

The courses are held by tele (internet) with lecture notes and tests are constantly updated to the latest technological developments by teachers and allow the candidate to attend the course at a distance without obligation to attend, with benefits for those who have work commitments, professional or family.

Under the Master will analyze the impact of the use of multimedia and info-telematic technologies on various aspects of teachers' education and work.

The course is totally frequentabile a distanza tramite Internet con tutor/docente disponibile on line.

Tesi finale a progetto su una materia di indirizzo.


Saturday, February 26, 2011

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La sociologia è la scienza che studia le strutture sociali, le loro organizzazioni, le norme ed i processi che uniscono (e separano) le persone non solo come individui ma come members of associations, groups and institutions.

The field of interest sociology from analysis of short contacts between anonymous individuals on the street, to the study of global social, the historical relationship between different societies.

The Yorker International University is pleased to announce that it has enabled for this academic year, the fifteenth edition of the course of study in sociology fully available online.

The distance learning is ideal for anyone who wishes to balance work commitments and learning goals with personal commitments.

It 'can get credit for work experience and professional study.

For information and to receive the free brochure please fill the form

Some of the matters dealt with in the course:

  • Group Dynamics
  • Deviance and Social Control
  • Communication and persuasion
  • Company and change social institutions
  • Psychotherapy Counseling
  • Sexuality

Get a free brochure

Friday, February 25, 2011

Wedding Program Thank You Poem


If you want to listen to music off the post

I have the courage to write knowing that by doing
start to naked every time a piece of my soul.
I have the courage to be myself in the midst of people who do not
want to see the true face of people but only masks.
I have the courage to get up every morning knowing I
new battles await.
I have the courage to apologize to my children when
wrong with them.
I have the courage to stand tall and look at who
tells me straight in the eye, showing the real me.
I have the courage to leave the house on days when I would shut myself in
I have the courage to admit to myself my mistakes and try
di migliorarmi.
Ho il coraggio di ammettere che ho spesso paura, e di
indossare lo stesso la mia armatura e scendere in battaglia.
Ho il coraggio di chiedere quando non conosco, e di rispondere
a chi domanda senza timore di sbagliare.
Ho il coraggio di affrontare i ricordi senza scacciarli e
trarre da loro nuova forza e determinazione.
Ho il coraggio di aspettare,di desiderare,
Di ascoltare... di sbagliare.
life experiences.
experiences in life helped me to grow, to understand what has beautiful life. although it is sometimes difficult to walk the road, although dilapidated and uncomfortable, almost always leads to true peace. I can see the time like a river that carries life in the valley, sometimes violently I overwhelms me with waves and bangs on the rocks and at other times I carry placidly toward the mouth. But no matter how difficult this path, crossing himself and forged all the experiences I know upstream to the source, identify myself flowing water and stones in the bottom must know every bend in the river , not just drifting. Watching every thing and persona con occhi nuovi e curiosi allo scopo di apprendere da essa, ma a questa devo affiancare sempre il desiderio di crescita da parte mia .

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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Con la fantasia Immagino la mia vita come
un'immensa giostra nella quale vi sono tante "attrazioni"
da provare, posso, finché gira, provarle all or some or
limit myself to watch the others go around.
I do not create barriers, limits and do not be afraid to try new
joys, sooner or later "the carousel of life"
will stop and I will not be able to choose more and every occasion
vanish forever.
Here! sometimes the line between good and evil is so thin
be confused, sometimes I seem to find myself
from either side without even realizing
and is right there in that land anyone who are really
myself because everything flows naturally. I'll wait a new dawn
I bring a new day happy, sad, mad, sad,
strange, and then I will leave as I lived.
but the important thing is not how I lived this day,
because it is not always easy to feel good, but the important thing is
who was born and morire, e che domani ce n'è sarà un altro!
Un giorno mi creai un angolo di felicità con la paglia, ma il vento me la soffiò via. La seconda volta ci provai con il legno, ma la pioggia bagnò il tetto e le mura e col passare del tempo tutto si rovinò. ...Poi provai coi mattoni e mi sfrattarono .Ora ho imparato la lezione , la prossima volta non costruirò niente. Camminerò senza sosta cosi nessuno potrà cacciarmi .Starà seduta sulla mia vita dondolandomi tra il bello e brutto tempo e sarà mio marito che mi spingerà per continuare questo dondolare e io come una bambina su un altalena gli chiederò di non fermarsi mai.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Pain In My Back Just Abovethe Waist


Si aggiunge al Network The Yorker International University ( , network professionale dedicato alla formazione superiore internazionale in elearning , un blog che si occuperà del mondo professionale della formazione.

Il dominio del blog, che è già attivo, è su piattaforma Virgilio. Il blog nasce per diventare un punto di riferimento per quei professionisti che intendono mantenere un dialogo con chi opera nella formazione superiore e professionale.

"Con questo blog desidero condividere la mia attività professionale e didattica, scambiando con voi impressioni e idee perché credo che la condivisione di esperienze sia il modo migliore per arricchirsi culturalmente e interiormente, aumentando la propria conoscenza sul mondo".

Un blog che tratterà non solo di formazione ma anche di impresa, opportunità professionali, marketing internazionale, psicologia del lavoro e delle organizzazioni, comunicazione aziendale.

The Yorker International University è una istituzione American non-traditional, following the example of the Open University.

These characteristics are reflected in a study without measuring frequency that allows you to not give up his work and social life, but to integrate the academic in his daily life personally deciding when, how and how much time to devote to your goal academic.

Additional links:

Friday, February 18, 2011

Holden Caulfield Sayings



Il mondo è nato prima di me
e prima che mi accorgessi di vivere, la mia anima
era già nel vento e mi aspettava.
Al mio primo respiro ho avuto la certezza di non essere
sola nel mio mondo.
Vorrei sempre sentire il soffio della vita that ascended from
depths of my soul, always pushed me where
empty was not master.
I would always have the strength to break the silence
with the swish of my thoughts.
I would continue to open our eyes each morning
with a big smile to count my wrinkles.
see me every morning I look
increasingly to my soul that I always get pushed
vacuum not master.
I that my soul could shine in white
depths of the deepest seas, and listen to the sweet melody of
silence, peace and solitude, Topper Takes a Trip
of the stars, to learn their secrets and keep them in the impossible
of my persieri.
I review in light of my soul all the faces belonged
to my world. But I am certain that my world and
when there will also ask you to close the light ....
to go to sleep

Life is a struggle, not a pretty sight but a scenic journey and this path has often points upward. Suddenly in front of the path climbs you can do two things, as in the trips. One can say ufffaaa! I can not go back more now or you get some rest 'and you go More .... I have every time I always thought "I will not go back" and I walked on going ahead, this is my force .. the strength of lina

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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IF YOU WANT TO LISTEN TO THE POST turn off the music.
Life is like a large canvas, where the colors are
stirring constantly to create ever new
colors, like my moody.
But I am able to paint it with colors unique and special that only
dreams that were kept in my heart could create.
He was like my life as a book, but my secret

is not the final page, but the commitment, strength, intensity of each
page and every day live as if it were your last.
gift to my life every day so much joy trying not to demoralize the
trivia ... this is .....
my secret. Some time it relies on the mechanical noise of a clock, there are those who see it that time always locked behind a glass wall or as small as a river that carries its waters to the sea continued to live in it eternamente.A times, it seems that does not pass, it's like a swallow nests on the eaves, comes and goes, comes and goes, but always under my occhi.E when things happen, when it is not always the right time, maybe because only then had the opportunity to demonstrate their importance, and today one of the wet green grass on the banks of my memories have liquefied the years that no one can ever stop ...

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Raid in Muggia, the PDL calls for more cameras

Più telecamere di videosorveglianza da dislocare su tutto il territorio, periferie comprese. Questa la pressante richiesta giunta dal coordinamento comunale del Pdl muggesano, che invita l'amministrazione comunale a supportare così l'operato delle forze dell'ordine . Il tema della sicurezza a Muggia continua dunque a essere al centro di discussioni, soprattutto a fronte della recrudescenza degli episodi di furto registrata negli ultimi tempi. Una situazione che, secondo il centrodestra rivierasco, si deve all'abbattimento dei confini e all'ingresso nell'Unione Europa della Repubblica di Slovenia.
« La caduta dei confini unfortunately it was not just a synonym for a further increase of trade routes on the Port of Koper at the expense of the Port of Trieste - explain in a joint statement the members of the coordination - but also an inevitable opening of crime across the border, due the disappearance of the border crossings, by their functions, provide efficient and effective filter with regular checks. " The PDL has shown that "despite the excellent work done by the police, already involved in planning meetings aimed at close cooperation with the Slovenian authorities, is now appropriate that the council supports their work in order to ensure the safety of its citizens is, and must be the common final goal. "
Hence the proposal likely "to urge the acceleration of the installation of the cameras, already the subject of tender recently and to have the same increase, with displacement enlarged to the suburbs, the remote control of these with the Commissioner of Police and the Carabinieri and the installation of lighting in remote areas and therefore easier to hit. " These instruments are considered a deterrent then that monitoring would provide "greater potential for the important and constant work by the police."
Ready replication of the first citizen of Muggia, Nerio Nesladek: "In light of recent undoubtedly the problem must be taken into account, all the while remaining under the control of law enforcement. I have already requested a meeting with responsible parties, not only in the light of incidents of petty crime but also prevention in view of the carnival period, during which someone could take advantage of the chaos. " Nesladek therefore concluded that demand in the first "tips to the police for further action to promote security, does not exclude anything, the engineers will tell us how to act."
little February 16, 2011
Richard Tosques

Saturday, February 12, 2011

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I learned that you should not hide their feelings,
but outside, tomorrow may be too late ..
I learned that all in a hurry but when and 'friends are necessary, if only in thought but it' s important ..
learned that I raise my voice does not mean they're right, indeed!
I learned that people do not change, and instead of wasting time trying to change sometimes e' meglio accettare e voler bene anche a chi non sempre fa cio che noi vorremmo, o che crediamo giusto.
Ho imparato che bisogna saper rischiare e che altrimenti e' inutile lamentarsi.
Ho imparato che la vita e' una sola e so che quando saro'
vicina alla fine migliaia di cose mi mancheranno, cose alla quali adesso non do importanza, come il profumo del pane appena sfornato, il gusto della marmellata
alla fragola della mia colazione, una risata da dover frenare,
the smell of the sea, the sound of the waves, stumbled upon a beautiful song on the radio, chocolate, full of suffering a stroke.
I learned to breathe the fragrance of the sea and its
waves run fast and free
Here! what I learned.

Gossamer EMOTIONS .. Destiny is really strange. I have always appeared as a single charge when my life was falling apart, but absent when all was right in what I believed to the only author of my success. The only certainty I have and when I ask what it means to be alive at the end, I will lift up his eyes to heaven, and in one breath I will feel part of it. Enclose me in a little world of intangible emotions, which in this life I can only express through human conventions.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dennis Anatomy For Beginners


If you want to hear the music off the post .
smile .... the sun that lights the earth and makes it spring forth life.
Smile ... the sparrow that sits on our window sill looking for a few crumbs.
smile ... . or search our friend when we look and ask for help and
smile .... the emergence of each new day because it is a gift from God
smile ... so the bud of a flower also announces the miracle of life.
smile .... the din of the children they are the hope of a better world.
smile .... love in any forma si manifesti esso vince il tempo e lo spazio.
Sorridiamo... davanti alle meschinità della gente senz'anima il nostro sorriso forse la farà ricredere.
Sorridiamo.... quando ascolti note armoniose la musica e linguaggio universale.
Sorridiamo.... al nostro fratello dalla pelle più colorata in tutto simile a noi .
Sorridiamo... e trovemo la pace nel nostro cuore e in

Nella vita there is no need to own, because everything belongs to me già.Il sea that surrounds me, the sun that gives me life, the moon and the stars that shine in the sky are my true riches. They are timeless treasures and if I were given away at every moment and remember the magic of existence is testament to a world full of miracles, the more things go wrong and I am more in the future things will be fine for me. I learned to appreciate the little things in life: even the slightest smile, a single caress, a word I can brighten your life and happiness is the most precious thing that I can aspire to this world. If there is one, and if there takes care of the trees, animals, mountains, oceans, from the smallest blade of grass to the biggest star and then you also take care of me.