If you want to hear the music off the post .
smile .... the sun that lights the earth and makes it spring forth life.
Smile ... the sparrow that sits on our window sill looking for a few crumbs.
smile ... . or search our friend when we look and ask for help and
smile .... the emergence of each new day because it is a gift from God
smile ... so the bud of a flower also announces the miracle of life.
smile .... the din of the children they are the hope of a better world.
smile .... love in any forma si manifesti esso vince il tempo e lo spazio.
Sorridiamo... davanti alle meschinità della gente senz'anima il nostro sorriso forse la farà ricredere.
Sorridiamo.... quando ascolti note armoniose la musica e linguaggio universale.
Sorridiamo.... al nostro fratello dalla pelle più colorata in tutto simile a noi .
Sorridiamo... e trovemo la pace nel nostro cuore e in
Nella vita there is no need to own, because everything belongs to me già.Il sea that surrounds me, the sun that gives me life, the moon and the stars that shine in the sky are my true riches. They are timeless treasures and if I were given away at every moment and remember the magic of existence is testament to a world full of miracles, the more things go wrong and I am more in the future things will be fine for me. I learned to appreciate the little things in life: even the slightest smile, a single caress, a word I can brighten your life and happiness is the most precious thing that I can aspire to this world. If there is one, and if there takes care of the trees, animals, mountains, oceans, from the smallest blade of grass to the biggest star and then you also take care of me.
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