The sustained attack in recent months, the party representing the majority in the center right is a sign of complete lack of ideas and alternatives, until now, the PDL has not always wanted to be in contrast with other political forces, hoping to avoid unnecessary and sterile polemics. We note however, with extreme regret, that a large part of the meeting would be organized and Muggia Another has only been used to discredit our party. At the meeting, two members were present, a full representation of local coordination and Rita Daniele Mosetti Rapotez, just in demonstration against the opening made by PDL a little movement rooted in our territory, which should derive from Trieste your list header (Porro, a candidate in Trieste with the sole intent to make fun of the voters being incompatible any election in two municipal councils), has as its spokesman for the "rightists" (Salerno), which in the Once you have submitted to the elections, together with the Socialists and Christian Democrats (then list Rebirth Milje) took only three preferences and last but not least presenta come Sindaco una persona che alle ultime elezioni ha preso ben 13 preferenze !
Il PDL , cosciente del ruolo di responsabilità che riveste sul territorio, ha già aperto da tempo (con più incontri) un tavolo con partiti, liste e movimenti che vogliono partecipare ad una coalizione comune , discutendo su programmi e proposte concrete per rilanciare il futuro di Muggia . Oggi la nostra cittadina non ha bisogno di “lezioni accademiche” da estemporanei deus ex macchina , ma di una forte coesione su idee, principi e proposte , di una precisa presa di coscienza di cosa il nostro territorio offre e quali sono le sue potenzialità,di exploit the knowledge and skills of those who believe that the center-right can govern better than that little or nothing to the fact that the council Nesladek in these five years.
The coordination of the PDL Muggia
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