Friday, December 31, 2010

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was the second day I was in Tinit, this August 2010 of the now past, and it was late evening.
The last light of day had a little 'have given way to a faint glow, which was the night of the summer Arctic.
returned after a day spent walking around the mountains, and a little 'time spent playing with children.
... the surprise was there, waiting, in the middle of the dusty road, a few meters from the house that I had taken in affitto da un cacciatore, l'indimenticabile Tobias Ignatiussen ...
... qualcuno aveva con un dito tracciato sulla sabbia poche parole di bentornato.
Qualcuno si era ricordato di me, di quando ero stato li alcuni giorni nel 2008, e vicino aveva tracciato il disegno di un cuore.
Non so che significato avesse voluto dare a quel cuore la mano ignota che lo aveva tracciato.
Ma io l'ho preso come un augurio sincero, mi ha rallegrato fino ad oggi ogniqualvolta lo ricordo, e a tutti lo propongo.

Friday, December 24, 2010

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New Year's Rhyme:
Let me wishes for the whole year: I want a
January in April sun, a cool July,
a friendly in March;
want a day without night I want a sea storm without;
want a fresh bread, the flower of the cypress
peach, they are friends with the cat and the dog, giving milk fountains.
If I want too, do not give me anything, give me a happy face
a sea of \u200b\u200bgood wishes to all ---------

JESUS \u200b\u200b'KID.

E 'sovereign born Child.
I stand before you
Holy Child! You, King,
have taught us that all creatures are equal,
that distinguishes
only goodness and immense treasure, given to the poor and the rich.
Jesus, 'that I am good, in heart
has that sweetness ..
To you I entrust my ...... I would ...
... I would like the world was the mirror
of a rainbow and I a little ray of light to reflect
love and friendship in the spirit of man.
..... I would fly like a swallow in the endless skies, getting lost in the immensity of the universe, suspended, light as a feather swirl of thousands and thousands of sizes, small feel small in the face of such great beauty.
WANT ...... the world was a big lawn Green and I am a
nice colorful flower to convey joy and happiness to all
WANT ...... the world was a big blue sky
and I a beautiful white dove to bring peace and happiness
in the heart of people who do not already have ........
Alleluia! Alleluia!
I never really asked what I wanted from life, I have always tried to make me something important, I always wanted to be important ... But for others, for an old man waiting to cross strips for a lost kitten, a friend who asks for help, a hand that I look for a aiuto.E the end I'm happy because I did something for someone because without me, that friend did not smile or kitten that does not would return to his padrone.Ecco just so I feel important. Be helpful to others.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Just Turned 18 And Applying For Credit Cards

At the end of a year of intense activity, during the Christmas holidays and the end and beginning of the year, the Town of Muggia Coordination, in collaboration with groups Board of Force Italy - National Alliance and PDL - PDL of the Province of Trieste, to promote Saturday, December 18, starting at 18:00 , the traditional "Christmas Party" the People of Freedom of Muggia to be held at Bar Europa di Muggia , in via Tonello 5 (davanti alla stazione dei bus).
All’incontro, a cui sono invitati tutti i soci e simpatizzanti , interverranno i componenti del Coordinamento Comunale del PDL nonché i consiglieri comunali e provinciali di Muggia.
Parteciperanno all’incontro Sandra Savino , Assessore Regionale e Coordinatore Provinciale del Pdl, Piero Tononi , Consigliere Regionale e Vice Coordinatore Provinciale del Pdl, Sergio Dressi vice coordinatore regionale del Pdl e il sen. Giulio Camber .
Dopo i saluti e gli auspici per il prossimo anno agli intervenuti sarà offerto un piccolo rinfresco ed a toast to the holiday season.
Coordination of PDL Muggia, with the opportunity, I would like all citizens of Muggia best wishes for Christmas and a Peaceful 2011.

Monday, December 13, 2010

How To Get The Acid Out Of A Battery


The PDL Muggia Saturday, December 11 and Sunday, December 12 took to the streets with the gazebo to support the Berlusconi government . Two hundred signatures in just two mornings dressed by the great enthusiasm and spontaneity of many citizens who have approached the gazebo to sign the petition in support of Prime Minister Berlusconi and to complete the questionnaire prepared by the Municipal Coordination of PDL Milje which have the ability to choose the issues on which the program should be geared for the upcoming administrative elections in the spring, also indicating the priority attibuire the various issues.
attended over the two days: Viviana Carboni, FI-PDL group leader, Claudio Grizon adviser and coordinator of the PDL of Muggia, Ruggero Leone coordination PDL, Christian Gretti , adviser and deputy coordinator of the PDL, Daniele Mosetti responsible for coordinating and PDL's territorial Young Italy, Massimo Santorelli Councillor, Paul Prodan capogruppo AN -PDL , Rita Rapotez del coordinamento PDL ed ospite graditissimo il Vice Coordinatore REGIONALE del PDL Sergio Dressi.

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Tononi (PDL): Spoken withdraws list to win the center-

Auspichiamo che Ferdinando Parlato, da persona equilibrata qual è, sappia far rientrare la sua lista di disturbo per una vittoria più facile del centrodestra». Piero Tononi , vice coordinatore provinciale del Pdl, commenta così la presentazione di Un'Altra Muggia, il movimento politico dei bandelliani che ha ufficializzato in questi giorni la candidatura a sindaco former commissioner of the junta Dipiazza Ferdinand Parlato. " The PDL is carefully assessing the possible candidate for the forthcoming elections of Muggia - Tononi says - and at the appropriate time we will race in the best way to recapture the town the government . Tononi says then, not without some irony, the candidature of Salvatore Porro, Muggia next leaders of another: "It's nice to know that a candidate will Porro Muggia, and that after 15 years as an adviser in the square unit has decided to abandon apply in Trieste. " Tononi also a flash for the league: "The ultimatum screamed have the flavor of pure propaganda. However Pantaleo invitation to make contact with the coordinator del Pdl locale Claudio Grizon o con il suo vice Christian Gretti». Il discorso di Bandelli nel corso della presentazione del candidato sindaco ha provocato anche la reazione di Roberta Vlahov , giornalista free lance, anche lei possibile candidata alla poltrona di piazza Marconi. «Io non sono il diktat di alcun politico», puntualizza l'esponente del centrodestra locale, che non ha infatti digerito le parole di Bandelli il quale, durante la presentazione della lista dei candidati del suo partito, ha evidenziato come il nome della Vlahov emerso in queste settimane sia in realtà un frutto del “diktat camberiano”. «In realtà io mi relaziono con i cittadini ascoltandoli – replica la Vlahov – e ad ogni modo credo that, for the good of Muggia, the only sensible choice is to confront together, to put together a serious program and enforceable in all its aspects, not books of dreams, absurd without creating divisions and power plays that people will have their pockets full. "

(rt) on December 7, 2010 Small

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Santoro: 2.5 million spent for schools

"During the administrations Dipiazza and Gasperini has been invested at least € 2 million 500 thousand for the schools." Former Minister of Education Gioacchino Italo Santoro, head of the list together for Muggia, so reply to the secretary of the local Democratic Party, which has charged for previous come to the center, found guilty of having neglected schools and have sold many properties owned by the town. "I tried to listen to my voice in the council committee, explaining the reasons for which were incurred in private schools in our area, as did the last administration of the center, thanks to the foresight and commitment of the then I turned to the budget commissioner, but my words were not heard, "says Santoro. The opposition leader then points out that "with regard to public buildings alienated from the center-right government, given that the undersigned are not, I look forward to know the list by the administration. " Criticism of the utterances of the Democratic Party also from the PDL. "Maybe they would have preferred that the difficulties of kindergartens were not made public, hiding, as the junta, the needs of families and childcare services under the carpet, but this did not happen," says the coordinator of the PDL Claudio Muggia Grizon . As regards asylum of Saints John and Paul, however, the Deputy Coordinator of Christian Gretti explains that "the problems have their origin in particular in personnel costs, as in the parish asylum Zindis. The fact remains that, for kindergartens, the junta has done nothing to give answers to the thirty or so requests, about 50% of the total, which annually were not accepted. " And the leader of AN, Paul Prodan, stigmatizes as compared to issues of childcare, is "absolutely unreasonable" for the relation of PD to the situation of property of the institution: "If we talk about the past administrations, it should be reminded that the center is credited with having achieved the nationalization of the nursery Foundry, thanks to the determination of the Mayor and Councillor Dipiazza Santoro, who has allowed us to optimize the structures and reduce costs. " The confirmation of "no" to the idea of \u200b\u200bextending the kindergarten "Hawthorn" in Chiampore finally arrives by Viviana Carboni, leader of Fi "It would be an absurd decision, because this structure is offset from the municipality and with respect to the daily programs of parents towards their workplace. I think it's very serious that the new secretary of the Democratic Party (Parapat Valentina, ed), as a woman, not being aware of it. "

Tosques Little Richard - December 7, 2010

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Vlahov silence dominates the center-right candidate

No comment. " Absolute silence, or near, the center of the city councilors interviewed on the "case Vlahov. The 250 signatures collected so far by word of mouth, between the coastal towns in support of a freelance journalist, as a possible candidate for mayor in the upcoming municipal elections, do not offer much feedback. The only one to express an opinion, substantially negative, the story is the director of Fi-Pdl Massimo Santorelli: "I think this is a provocation against the PDL, a gesture that points to break the balance, on the understanding that 250 signatures are collected for a shelter, not one for a candidate for mayor. " More pragmatic rather Christian Gretti (An-Pdl): "I believe that 250 signatures are certainly a signal to be taken into account, but I believe that beyond the names of the programs we want to unite the center-right coalition in such a way as to and then do not win the next game. " Petty hopes so short, "a round table to make decisions on the future of center-local." there is the option also shows the provincial vicecoordinatroe PDL, Piero Tononi. "Definitely keep it in mind what happened," he says, but also warns that "it will be the coordination of municipal Muggia to decide, according to the will of the members and the moods of the people, our future mayoral candidate." From the other opposition figures, however, comes a series of "no comment". The local coordinator of the PDL Claudio Grizon, the leader of the National Alliance Paul Prodan, the leader of Forza Italy Viviana Carbons, but also the parent company of Pri Andrea Mariucci, all are able to hide behind silence actually very noisy. From a Different Muggia new association, the contact person Fabio Balbi, recalling "the good relationship of mutual respect that exists with Vlahov," suggests that one of the freelance journalist is "a good name, but the association are not projects of bandelliani. A Different Muggia fact alone will run the next election and, indeed, next Saturday will present a list that will compete at the next renewal of the administrative positions. Although officially no party card, but always gravitating around the area of \u200b\u200bthe center, the Vlahov, strong also come from the bottom of this consent and without much fanfare, it could really be a candidate for mayor next election? For now, the center Muggia did not want to tip the balance. The name was circulated in recent months, though never formalized by the PDL, Claudio Grizon therefore remains in pole position, despite some concern expressed recently by more than one adviser to the center itself.

Richard Tosques

Friday, December 10, 2010

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India, the Amazon, Africa, Canada, Siberia, they are all Inuit Association Ammassalik

Le piccole comunità di popolazioni native are suffering in all parts of the world, aggression cultural, and economic, culture and the western economy. This could happen in silence
200 years ago, when he still was not well anticipated the devastation that it is caused to human and natural environments that are invading, but today, before all the consequences are clearly visible, these commercial operations and cultural pressures are to be considered a serious criminal act, legally prosecuted and convicted.
need great strength to support these communities by giving them a powerful voice in the international community.
A force that is committed to spreading petitions and proclamations, but is solid economic resources (A Foundation?) And commercial proposals resistant and sustainable.
We, who do not have this power, and that we can not work for everyone, we have chosen for many reasons, not least sentimental and special attraction of the environment, to support the Inuit of Ammassalik, but we reach out to all populations in sopravvienza difficulties, and that help to Organize a lasting and effective.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

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Arctic Circle to the Old and Used Book Fair in Verona

From Sunday to Wednesday 5 8 l 'Association Arctic Circle, a reference point for fans and scholars of the Arctic and Antarctic, as well as partners in the project Italiammassalik, will be present at Stand No 118 of

Used Book Fair - Stalls at the Fair

here will be exhibited and sold many books, many rare and hard to find now, the great explorers who have made history exploration of the three poles, and more.

We meet everyone there?

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How Do You Identify A Wart On The Arm


Dear Santa.
year for the first time I decided to write to you.
Yes I know, still missing a bit, but I thought it
making you read it a few days in advance.
I state that I do not want anything for myself.
Now that I think I have not ever written even as a child
because I knew that I would never come. But to say that
there always a first time . You know, I think the most
people has lost sight of what really
has value, a meaning in life. I believe that no one looks
more around, anyone who thinks often a kind word,
a gesture of affection is worth more than any material thing you
has to offer. increasingly feel
ugliness of any kind ... Fear and loneliness, pointless consumerism, poverty and
... poverty of mind. Christmases as a child is not happy I got them,
and I suffered hunger and cold. Today I think all
pain with those who are lonely, sick , deprived of all dignity,
of all freedom. I think to all those children who not have never known anything
that there may be good in human beings
that have ever had not even a crumb
all what Christmas should provide for them and
Only to cruelty towards all forms of life, well, my heart
becomes small, and I'll cry, I feel suffocate because
impotent in the face to everything ... So I ask you, my dear
Santa Claus to bring a little more awareness in people,
a bit of humanity and diradare il buio nei loro occh e nei loro cuori.
Buon natale a te Lina tiri diritta per la tua strada, anche se qualche volta la sorte ti è stata avversa.Buon natale Lina. sappi che la vita e' una terra senza confini; quando verra' il tuo momento ti consegnera' la chiave del giardino segreto e potrai finalmente ammirare che cosa si nasconde nelle quinte del tuo cuore . Buon natale a te Lina non ti lasci dire cosa fare,e accetti il peso delle tue azioni e lasci che le voci discordanti scorrano come il vento sulle tue guance.. Buon natale you Lina, if reason prevails over the heart, a wound takes a long to rimanginare, but the reason all the time are the best cure ... Every day is another day to love, to dream one more day. ... one more day to live .....

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Stroke Victim Flash Cards

An improvised football field: the field behind the Red House by Robert Peroni

the Teatro Nuovo in Verona
Friday, November 26 at 18:30

Robert Peroni will be present and speak on the situation of East Greenland and Inuit Ammassalik. Speakers

other personalities, each of which present a difficult social situation of which he is personally aware and which is spending years of his life: Christopher Clark will speak of the Amazon, where he founded together with native Reserve Xixuau-Xiparinà ; Silvie Pialouix president of the humanitarian ' Au \u200b\u200bfil de la Vie ' talk of Mali, Father Egidio Uganda.

The meeting will be presented by Franco Brevini , writer and mountaineer with developed numerous expeditions sull'inlandsis Greenland.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Who Draws The Maxine Cartoons?


My sunshine will return, and the clouds will be swept away.
My sunshine will return, and there will be this black mist.
My sun will come back, everything will return to its rightful place.
My sun will return! I do not know when, perhaps still missing a day.
Perhaps there is still an hour .. maybe a year ... maybe a month ....
But when he comes back ... my heart stops
cry, my tears will not know
most of the rooms ... my hands and give hugs welcome

... When my sun will come back ... Waiting for those warm rays that burn my skin
... and I caress her face ... Maybe
wrong ... But it would be nice .... if for a moment I could
close my eyes .... and pretend to be
upon a star.

I Lina. lone traveler. In this life I made the commute between dream and reality. lone traveler with a suitcase full of dreams in your hand and infinity in the eye, wandering in search of my Eden - often long before I stopped, leaving that baggage in some remote station, and I'm happy not to be alone, perhaps without thinking that fate sometimes gave me a bit of heaven on which to unroll my dreams eliminating the distance between them and the reality .....

Saturday, November 20, 2010

How To Put Fuji Film In A Polaroid 600

Robert Peroni Michele Lepera award Chatwin 2010

Michele with a girl Tiniteqilaaq

The Story '
Weightless ', an impression of Travel Ammassalik in eastern Greenland, Michele Lepera won first prize at the travel stories - fiction section - the prestigious Premio Chatwin .

Today the award in the beautiful Grand Council, Palazzo Ducale, one of the most beautiful Palaces of Genoa.

By Michele Ammassalik we were at the first visit of the Project Italiammassalik in the summer of 2010, and during that trip, in contact with the absolute isolation, felt the scent the soul of the sincere and friendly people, and the silence of this world still primitive, and now works for its preservation by providing their professional skills as a photographer and graphic designer.

games to children Kukusuk

The village is talking about at the beginning of the story is Tiniteqilaaq the edge of the world, and steps are the steps of rusty iron ladder leading to the pier.

At this link you can read the whole story.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Babies With Bloated Stomachs At 17 Months

"The monument is not to Exodus visible "

The placement area which houses the memorial to the Exodus of a plaque "In memory of the people who went to live free to die far far." With this symbolic gesture, Rabuiese yesterday afternoon, the youth movement of the PDL, Young Italy, wanted to ask the province to report better the monument, "as the road is impossible to distinguish the perforated metal sheet on the site and to place all 'inside of the monument itself a pole on which flew the tricolor. "We denounce the fact - according to a note - which has been made, according to the president of the province during the inauguration last September 26, the project cheapest of the nine on offer, plus built outside the main roads, endangering in fact, its visibility, and therefore, denoting the low weight that the administration wanted to give this important issue. "
Little - November 14, 2010
heartfelt thanks to the youth of PDL !!!!!

Counter Offer Letters Accidents

Grizon latecomer, controversy Common

Claudio Grizon diminish the value of the municipal council of Muggia. The City Council of the Democratic Party Fulvio Tomini commented, "yet another delay" with which the director Claudio Grizon occurred during the last session of the Council thereby delayed the response to two urgent questions submitted by the same Grizon. The lack of punctuality, therefore, the power exponent of the PDL recent controversy sparked by the first citizen Nerio Nesladek who had accused Grizon, emerged as the most "prolific" in terms of numbers of questions and motions submitted in the last five years of government Muggia, accused the mayor of being "almost always absent in the responses handed down by the administration. "

CRITICAL "Councillor Grizon was presented with twenty minutes late to the meeting of City Council Muggia and once again we had to postpone the answer to your urgent questions, confirming that the individual concerned has to be more concentrated advertising than anything else, "says Tomini. Advisor majority stigmatized and that "such behavior is not conducive to the public because it is certainly not diminished the work of the council." Tomini wanted instead to praise 'other representatives of the center who are accustomed to behave in a more serious, such as the Christian counselor petty, always on time during the formal meetings. " called into question on the matter, the exponent of the PDL Gretti confirmed that "punctuality is a form of respect, especially when you are the elected representatives of the people." Confirming what was said by Tomino, "especially during meetings of committees where the director and I usually Tomini we usually wait for the other members' Gretti has justified however Grizon refuting the fact that he wont be late in the sessions "that will be occurring only occasionally, but that may be understandable." Even the director Italo Santoro (Together for Muggia) took up the defense of Grizon: "To tell the truth, the municipal council usually starts getting a little 'late after the time of convening only on Monday the delay was less than the Normally, therefore I do not see anything serious. " Finally, the first angry citizen Nerio Nesladek who pointed out that "when questions are put to the end of the agenda Councillor Grizon is already gone when we start Grizon non si è ancora presentato, comportamenti lesivi del lavoro e dell'immagine stessa del Consiglio comunale». (r.t.) il Piccolo — 12 novembre 2010

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tripled youth initiatives

«Sono meravigliato perché nei nostri incontri don Latin non ha mai sollevato alcun problema sugli spazi per i giovani». All'indomani delle dichiarazioni del nuovo parroco, il sindaco Nesladek non sembra averne gradito l’intervento, nel quale, pur dando sostegno al Progetto giovani attivato in sinergia con il Comune, don Latin ha denunciato come la cittadina “non offra quasi nulla ai propri giovani”, soprattutto in termini di luoghi di aggregazione. 'While noting that as the subject of young people from Latin Don is a small part of a broader discussion, I can not forget our new pastor as compared to the previous five years, my administration with concerts and activities are virtually tripled , "says Nesladek . The mayor cites the investment of "€ 140 000 per year since 2006 for the Youth Project, to build three playgrounds for basketball, a football field, the area reserved for the skateboard, as well as annual invested € 40 000 for outreach in the service of thirty boys Milje. Noting the space designed for young musicians in the Carnival and the 'project of the House della musica di Chiampore, che potrà essere sicuramente un altro incentivo per i giovani», Nesladek ricorda poi «il finanziamento chiesto dalla parrocchia Santi Giovanni e Paolo, pari a 28mila euro, che il Comune erogherà per il campetto di calcio». Più morbidi i toni dell’assessore alle Politiche giovanili Loredana Rossi , che evidenzia come don Latin abbia espresso «concetti condivisibili, nei quali una delle soluzioni possibili potrebbe essere la compartecipazione tra il pubblico e il privato, che per certe situazioni, ad esempio la nascita di un cinema o di una discoteca, a Muggia viene a mancare». Dai banchi dell'opposizione il consigliere comunale Christian Gretti (Pdl-An) rileva come la situazione descritta the new pastor is "true and well known, although one must not forget the work of sports clubs which are still a gathering place." Petty remarks and the need for "greater synergy between public and private," while calling for "the creation of Milje Look young, which could contribute to new initiatives' . The Council of Italian opposition Santoro (Together for Muggia) agrees in part with those expressed by Don Latin: "There being no high school, young Milje moving to Trieste to study and it is there that create stronger bonds with friends , preferring the meeting in a city that offers more than Muggia. Santoro noted then as "the creation of a film would not guarantee sufficient income," while "an afternoon disco for the younger ones might be a good idea."

RICCARDO Tosques Little - November 10, 2010 PLAY PRIVATE

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Birthday Wording For A 6 Year Lod


WRITE .....
I. .. aspiring poet Lina
I am writing to feel good in my empty "I"
I write ... because
words are the light of the thoughts and
as light in the forest write my hands ... write me ...
with heart in hand and bare the soul so illogical it
only to emphatically emotional
"scream" my feeling
Someone who listens to me but I smiled indifferent
continue to throw down my writing.
Here! I have this ....
write ... The reality of my yearning melancholy
where I drown my tears in the ink
bathroom and the sheets with my feelings
is in the freedom of my thoughts
feel my truth and are .
madly ... FAIR.
I played with everything, but never with my life, I have loved as my soul my love heart, the embrace as the sky through the world, not for nothing that I was born with three wings, the wings of balance, one for life, for love and a passion for their timing and are able to stand out the flight to the true peace of mind ... ..

Monday, November 8, 2010

Addicted To Sweet N Low




is the record of Grizon Question

Councillor PDL-Fi has a population of 48, more than 13 motions. According to well-off but the party colleague Tarlao. The the most active of the center is George Kosice. Queued Gasperini and Mayor Nesladek

MUGGIA What are the councilors who submitted the highest and lowest number of questions and motions in the last five years of government Muggia? A few months after the conclusion of the mandate of the mayor Nesladek, numbers in hand the most "prolific" in the classroom has been the leader of Fi-Pdl Claudio Grizon with 61 interventions: 48 questions (of which more than five signatures) and 13 motions . Behind him Councillor D ennis Tarlao (Fi-Pdl) with 14 questions and a motion .

A nine questions and share three motions is Italo Joachim Santoro, the list together for Muggia . The exponents of the center Viviana Carboni (Pdl-Fi) and Christian Gretti (An-Pdl) travel paired with eight questions and four motions each.

The first member of the center-left majority to enter into this special list is George Kosice (PRC) that an advisor has collected five questions and six motions . Further back are Massimo Santorelli (Pdl-Fi) and Fulvio Tomini (PD) with five questions each, and four motions .

Paul Prodan (An-Pdl) can vantare cinque interrogazioni, Danilo Savron (Uniti con Nesladek) quattro. A seguire Andrea Mariucci (Pri) con tre interrogazioni e una mozione, Cristina Tull (Rifondazione) autrice di tre mozioni, Piero Veronese (Uniti con Nesladek) autore di due interrogazioni e tre mozioni , Lorenzo Gasperini (Fi-Pdl) con due interrogazioni e una mozione, e infine lo stesso sindaco Nesladek con una mozione .

COMMENTI «Ritengo che il lavoro di un consigliere non si possa giudicare da quante interrogazioni o mozioni ha presentato, ma da come ha operato sul territorio; personalmente mi ritengo un uomo del fare e non del parlare». Massimo Santorelli comments on the ranking of the number of questions and motions submitted since 2006, noting that "the adviser Grizon (at the top, ed) has a following of people who have helped bring about these questions, which are not only the fruit of his experience the region but to all directors of the PDL. "

also very critical Councillor PDL Gretti Christian: "I am for quality rather than quantity; motions and questions are useful tools, but personally I believe that certain solutions can be achieved by working with the municipal offices, from which I always had the highest availability. "

criticized for center come from Andrea Mariucci: "After more than three years in the administration Nesladek I can say that in the majority respond to questions or motions has always been a problem."

From the center are other opinions. Giorgio Kosic: "The administration always provide all the answers but often the questions or doubts can be resolved by visiting the offices or even making a phone call to the commissioners."

very dry, finally, the mayor Nesladek: "I think this is a purely numerical display muscle, which leaves the time it is: just think that over 50% of questions tabled by Councillor Grizon have proved unfounded, resulting in un sacco di lavoro per nulla al Consiglio comunale. Ma ciò che mi preme più sottolineare è come lo stesso Grizon spesso nemmeno ascolta la risposta in aula alle interrogazioni, che quasi sempre vengono date in fase di conclusione della seduta».

Da Il Piccolo del 6 novembre 2010 - Pagina 20 - Trieste