Claudio Grizon diminish the value of the municipal council of Muggia. The City Council of the Democratic Party Fulvio Tomini commented, "yet another delay" with which the director Claudio Grizon occurred during the last session of the Council thereby delayed the response to two urgent questions submitted by the same Grizon. The lack of punctuality, therefore, the power exponent of the PDL recent controversy sparked by the first citizen Nerio Nesladek who had accused Grizon, emerged as the most "prolific" in terms of numbers of questions and motions submitted in the last five years of government Muggia, accused the mayor of being "almost always absent in the responses handed down by the administration. "
CRITICAL "Councillor Grizon was presented with twenty minutes late to the meeting of City Council Muggia and once again we had to postpone the answer to your urgent questions, confirming that the individual concerned has to be more concentrated advertising than anything else, "says Tomini. Advisor majority stigmatized and that "such behavior is not conducive to the public because it is certainly not diminished the work of the council." Tomini wanted instead to praise 'other representatives of the center who are accustomed to behave in a more serious, such as the Christian counselor petty, always on time during the formal meetings. " called into question on the matter, the exponent of the PDL Gretti confirmed that "punctuality is a form of respect, especially when you are the elected representatives of the people." Confirming what was said by Tomino, "especially during meetings of committees where the director and I usually Tomini we usually wait for the other members' Gretti has justified however Grizon refuting the fact that he wont be late in the sessions "that will be occurring only occasionally, but that may be understandable." Even the director Italo Santoro (Together for Muggia) took up the defense of Grizon: "To tell the truth, the municipal council usually starts getting a little 'late after the time of convening only on Monday the delay was less than the Normally, therefore I do not see anything serious. " Finally, the first angry citizen Nerio Nesladek who pointed out that "when questions are put to the end of the agenda Councillor Grizon is already gone when we start Grizon non si รจ ancora presentato, comportamenti lesivi del lavoro e dell'immagine stessa del Consiglio comunale». (r.t.) il Piccolo — 12 novembre 2010
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