Monday, November 8, 2010

Addicted To Sweet N Low




is the record of Grizon Question

Councillor PDL-Fi has a population of 48, more than 13 motions. According to well-off but the party colleague Tarlao. The the most active of the center is George Kosice. Queued Gasperini and Mayor Nesladek

MUGGIA What are the councilors who submitted the highest and lowest number of questions and motions in the last five years of government Muggia? A few months after the conclusion of the mandate of the mayor Nesladek, numbers in hand the most "prolific" in the classroom has been the leader of Fi-Pdl Claudio Grizon with 61 interventions: 48 questions (of which more than five signatures) and 13 motions . Behind him Councillor D ennis Tarlao (Fi-Pdl) with 14 questions and a motion .

A nine questions and share three motions is Italo Joachim Santoro, the list together for Muggia . The exponents of the center Viviana Carboni (Pdl-Fi) and Christian Gretti (An-Pdl) travel paired with eight questions and four motions each.

The first member of the center-left majority to enter into this special list is George Kosice (PRC) that an advisor has collected five questions and six motions . Further back are Massimo Santorelli (Pdl-Fi) and Fulvio Tomini (PD) with five questions each, and four motions .

Paul Prodan (An-Pdl) can vantare cinque interrogazioni, Danilo Savron (Uniti con Nesladek) quattro. A seguire Andrea Mariucci (Pri) con tre interrogazioni e una mozione, Cristina Tull (Rifondazione) autrice di tre mozioni, Piero Veronese (Uniti con Nesladek) autore di due interrogazioni e tre mozioni , Lorenzo Gasperini (Fi-Pdl) con due interrogazioni e una mozione, e infine lo stesso sindaco Nesladek con una mozione .

COMMENTI «Ritengo che il lavoro di un consigliere non si possa giudicare da quante interrogazioni o mozioni ha presentato, ma da come ha operato sul territorio; personalmente mi ritengo un uomo del fare e non del parlare». Massimo Santorelli comments on the ranking of the number of questions and motions submitted since 2006, noting that "the adviser Grizon (at the top, ed) has a following of people who have helped bring about these questions, which are not only the fruit of his experience the region but to all directors of the PDL. "

also very critical Councillor PDL Gretti Christian: "I am for quality rather than quantity; motions and questions are useful tools, but personally I believe that certain solutions can be achieved by working with the municipal offices, from which I always had the highest availability. "

criticized for center come from Andrea Mariucci: "After more than three years in the administration Nesladek I can say that in the majority respond to questions or motions has always been a problem."

From the center are other opinions. Giorgio Kosic: "The administration always provide all the answers but often the questions or doubts can be resolved by visiting the offices or even making a phone call to the commissioners."

very dry, finally, the mayor Nesladek: "I think this is a purely numerical display muscle, which leaves the time it is: just think that over 50% of questions tabled by Councillor Grizon have proved unfounded, resulting in un sacco di lavoro per nulla al Consiglio comunale. Ma ciò che mi preme più sottolineare è come lo stesso Grizon spesso nemmeno ascolta la risposta in aula alle interrogazioni, che quasi sempre vengono date in fase di conclusione della seduta».

Da Il Piccolo del 6 novembre 2010 - Pagina 20 - Trieste


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