Monday, January 31, 2011

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Information Builders strengthens its presence in the business intelligence market with the opening of headquarters Italian

José M ª García-Soto and Vice Chairman of the Management Information Builders Italy

Milan March 2, 2011 - Information Builders, the independent leader in business intelligence solutions, announces the opening of the Italian subsidiary, which will be located in Via Conservatorio 22 to Milan ( ). The announcement is part of the strategy of international expansion of the multinational and marks the beginning of a new stage in the Italian market, which will enable it to consolidate its presence as a major player in the BI sector which has been recognized as a leading world market.

La filiale italiana, guidata da José Mª García-Soto , Vicepresidente e Direttore Generale, si avvalerà della collaborazione dell’ing. Mauro Grassi , in qualità di Direttore dello Sviluppo del Business, che avrà la responsabilità di promuovere l’attività di Information Builders nel mercato italiano.

Oltre alla Direzione dello Sviluppo del Business, la struttura della nuova branch will be composed of specialized areas such as Technical Assistance, Pre-and Post-Sales, Professional Services, Finance and Administration, Marketing and Communications. The direct presence of Information Builders marks a new step forward in the company's strategy in the Italian market. How do you explain Mauro Grassi, " is twofold: to strengthen the relationship with customers through a more direct relationship and to strengthen our market leadership. For this we rely on a solid structure, advanced technology and constantly evolving, thanks to WebFOCUS platform, business intelligence and iWay Software suite di soluzioni di integrazione di dati, così come a una nuova offerta molto competitiva di servizi in grado di rispondere e anticipare le necessità del nostro mercato”.

Il business plan di Information Builders Italia per i prossimi tre anni , prevede un incremento del volume delle entrate pari a una media annuale del 15% . I pilastri che sosterranno questa crescita saranno: il consolidamento the relationship with existing customers and the supply of innovation, increased presence in new areas of activity, the development of a new range of consulting and professional services, creating a network of partners with high added value and extent of geographic coverage on a national scale.

Retail, Utilities and Healthcare: new areas of policy

With the opening of the Italian subsidiary, Information Builders strengthens its presence in a market which has been operating for over twenty years, through several local partners who have worked in exclusive mode, market and support its technology.

During this period, Information Builders has acquired key customers in strategic sectors such as the finance, of public administration, 's industry and ' s energy . These include companies such as BNL BNP Paribas Group, CINECA, Microtechnology, AZ Group, Midi Europe Ltd, official distributor of ISUZU brand, Cedacri, companies who bet on the platform WebFOCUS and iWay Software solutions for the development of projects for business intelligence and integration, which brought innovation, competitiveness and profitability of their business .

For 2011 the main objective of Information Builders is to expand the presence especially in the areas of retail , the utility and health , through projects designed to implement the integration and data quality solutions with EIM (Enterprise Information Management) and DQC (Data Quality Center).

The company, which today has over 12,000 users, will target the large segment of and medium-sized companies with a differentiated for specific industry that fits the needs of this type of organizations.

José María García-Soto provides good opportunities for expansion Information Builders Italy. "The market needs BI in Italy - explanations are similar to other European countries. Companies need to save infrastructure costs and are therefore very receptive to introduce solutions such as WebFOCUS and iWay Software, available on any platform and very competitive not only in licensing fees, but also in administration and maintenance. "

Regarding the development of new solutions BI platform based on WebFOCUS there by the companies a great demand for analytic applications, aimed at the retention or will save costs through enterprise performance management (CPM). In addition, the need for organizations to optimize business processes, improving data quality and integration of enterprise applications missing, offers good prospects for business integration solutions for EIM and DQC of iWay Software.

strengthen the value proposition through partners

Per raggiungere gli obiettivi di crescita, Information Builders punta su una strategia di commercializzazione mista, che unisca il modello di vendita diretta con quello di vendita indiretta, attraverso una rete di partner a valore aggiunto. Questi partner integreranno l’offerta della multinazionale e apporteranno le loro competenze del mercato locale, la loro esperienza nei settori verticali, un’offerta competitiva di servizi professionali, così come una maggior copertura geografica nelle aree di Milano, Roma e Triveneto.

Il nostro obiettivo è quello di creare una struttura di partner a valore aggiunto il cui know-how Let expand our territory , "Grassi noted. The collaboration will focus on different areas of business or corporate departments that are currently generating a greater demand for solutions for enterprise performance management (PMF Performance Management Framework ) and applications " Customer Facing" , in which Information Builders is a recognized leader.

Information Builders Italy has signed the first agreements with partners such as Avrion, GDS and Ferlini Group, of which more will be added during the year. Moreover, it is working on developing dell’accordo aziendale raggiunto con la multinazionale italiana Tagetik per collaborare in progetti strategici nell’area del CPM (Corporate Performance Management).

Espansione internazionale

L’apertura della filiale italiana rientra nella strategia di crescita internazionale di Information Builders, che sta inaugurando nuovi uffici dipartimentali in tutto il mondo ed espandendosi geograficamente attraverso distributori esclusivi in mercati emergenti, compresi quelli dei paesi BRIC. La società ha rafforzato la propria presenza in Europa, dove è presente in over 40 countries and continues to maintain a high rate of growth in the APAC region. In Japan, a well-established market for the company, confirmed a total of 58 new customers in 2010. The company was established in China, where it is growing exponentially as confirmed by the 14 new customers acquired in the second half of 2010.

"Information Builders provides enormous opportunities for growth in countries where it is already present and in emerging markets and is prepared to make a profit efforts to expand outside North America," adds David Small, vice president Senior of the International Division of Information Builders.

About Information Builders

Information Builders provides software solutions and services that enable to make intelligent decisions and streamline processes in leading companies market public and private sectors, as well as in educational institutions around the world . The software platform Information Builders is active in tens of thousands of companies , serving millions of users. WebFOCUS , Business Intelligence Platform distributes applications for information management on a large scale for the analysis and for the development of customer-facing portals the new generation of users of ' information, resulting competitive advantages in their business.

The integration platform iWay Software allows companies to use information resources for all agilizzare internal processes and external ni, providing access and data integrity and marginalizing the complexity of ester not.

Headquartered in New York and 60 offices around the world, Information Builders has over 1350 professionals and has strong collaborations with leading industry partners.

For more information, visit site . Follow us on @ infobldrs .

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If you want to listen to music off the post.

I Lina, brave warrior. I'm not a
at the mercy of the winds of life, but rather a courageous
warrior who has contracted more difficult battles
the newspaper.
I am a knight of light drew his sword clear,
against the bitter night of knights, whose shadows hungry
aim at my precious heart.
more difficult and I know my battle will be bloody and
most precious and unique it is and always will be ...

Life is a goal that I, consciously run through each day in joy, knowing already leaving the icy mantle of life , che come per un fiore che spunta dalla neve dopo esserne stata prigioniera , per me è come vedere la luce della primavera ogni mattina , e anche riuscire a camminare sulla riva promessa , faccio come il barcaiolo , che dopo le fatiche del suo andare avanti e indietro torna sempre felice nella sua casa ..

Sunday, January 30, 2011

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Ammassalik: from 1884 to today

Ammassalik (Angmagssalik) - which in local language significa ' là dove ci sono gli ammassat ' (piccoli pesci simili alle sardine) – è un insieme di fiordi, canali, isolette, picchi rocciosi a filo del circolo polare artico, a 65°37′ N - 37°38′ W.

Fu raggiunto per la prima volta nel 1884 dal capitano di marina danese Gustav Holm , che, dopo aver doppiato capo Farwell, era salito verso nord alla ricerca di resti di insediamenti vichinghi. Entrato nei fiordi ghiacciati con un umiak manovrato da sei donne inuit della Groenlandia occidentale, discovered some villages where Inuit 413 (220 males and 193 females) lived by hunting seals and fishing, in a state of total dependence on the surrounding environment, almost similar to the stone age.
Ten years later, in 1894, a station Danish fur trade and a religious mission to Ammassalik Lutheran settled.
The presence of an emporium where the skins could be exchanged for food available all year, and the offer to those who remained in comfortable wooden houses, facilitated the beginning of the sedentary population, and the birth of a first town, Tasiilaq, recalling all seasonally famiglie dei villaggi.

Nel 1896 a causa di malattie consecutive portate dalla presenza europea la popolazione si era drasticamente ridotta a 294 unità.
Nel 1923 la sedentarizzazione di alcuni nuclei famigliari diede vita al villaggio di Tiniteqilaaq, nella parte centrale del fiordo di Sermilik.
Nel 1925 i danesi spostarono alcuni nuclei famigliari, per un totale di 70 individui, da Ammassalik a fondare la colonia di Scoresbysund, all'apparenza per diminuire la pressione demografica sulla zona, in realtà per vedersi riconosciuta la sovranità su tutta la costa nord-orientale.
In 1940 a U.S. military base aviation settled north of the fjord Sermiligaaq.
In 1952 following the Cold War, the U.S. intensified its presence in Ammassalik, creating a military base on the island of Kulusuk DYE4.
This massive presence of foreigners permanently eradicate the population of Ammassalik from its origin, and contributed greatly to westernize all villages.

In 1974 piteraq a violent wind gusts that reached 300 km / h destroyed most of the houses in Tasiilaq, offering the opportunity to rebuild with more modern dwellings.

Today the people of Ammassalik possess a modern standard of living. The boat has replaced the kayak, the harpoon gun, have the GPS to navigate and radio and satellite phone to communicate, but do not put more than skin with synthetic clothes comfortable and suitable for large arctic cold, but their behavior is deeply affected by the loss of original identity.

Friday, January 28, 2011

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Temo il silenzio , ma quando guardo il cielo,
capisco che le stelle
sembrano una folla di persone che emettono luci diverse.
Ed io vorrei brillare più di tutte. Per questo affido i miei sogni ,ad
a shooting star And when I see that in me
lives that rhythm from the heart, where my soul speaks to me, then
understand the usefulness of that
Silence so ... feared.
stir the ingredients of my knowledge, in good times and 'other and bitter, which I stimulate the senses to recognize the truth. May my soup of my days in the past, leaving me in the mouth, the bitter sense of taste, so the days of tomorrow, may make the cake for which I was privata.Mi my law is known, said one day to life 'MAN: "The My smile is nothing but the inverse of the sneer, and tears, through which flows the river of joy. Having known the darkness finally today I see a great light.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Lohri 2010 San Francisco

Photographs by Ammassalik - East Greenland

( Margaret Bozzalla)

Borsano Margaret and David Bozzalla are two professional photographers in Turin. Italiammassalik cooperate with the project.
We were together in Greenland in the summer of 2010. Together we spent wonderful days in ice, rocks and inhabitants of small villages. Especially playing with the children, and shared the simplicity of their games.

from this journey have taken a beautiful portfolio of memories, that have all in their website on these two links:

Margaret Borsano

David Bozzalla

Monday, January 24, 2011

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closed, PDL shown the door by the League

Il Partito della libertà di Muggia non ha più una ”casa”. In questi giorni i locali occupati al civico 19 di Corso Puccini risultano infatti chiusi. Già sede di Forza Italia, il piano terra dello stabile, dove il Pdl si era insediato con regolare contratto d’affitto, non ha - e in questo risiede il nocciolo della questione - un proprietario qualunque. Il “padrone” è il segretario comunale rivierasco della Lega Nord Tullio Pantaleo. And the leader of the Northern League, a few days ago, had bitterly criticized the PDL, "guilty" of having neglected the opinion of the League on the choice of the next mayoral candidate, thereby threatening to go to the polls in solitary. A comment which, clearly, has left more than a few trail of controversy.
Sources close to the PDL, however, tend to defuse the situation, considering it "fully expected". The lease, on paper, it seems, was already due on 31 December. The decision not to renew the agreement between the center-right party and the exponent of the League, therefore, would be put in budget for some time. But the situation is at least unusual. Even because the choice to clear the place was rather abrupt after the public release of Pantaleo, who had rejected some of the most popular names for the post of Mayor: Claudio Carboni Grizon and Vivian, as well as improbable Rovis Paolo and Fabio Scoccimarro, had been quashed by the Secretary-League as they were considered "not winning". Externalized that certainly has not been digested by certain directors of the PDL which have so hastily released the ground floor of the Course of Puccini. The situation now is so paradoxical: the local center is not only without a candidate for mayor, but also without a home. The consigliere Christian Gretti (corrente An) vuole gettare acqua sul fuoco: «Al di là dei proclami di Pantaleo, posso dire che a quanto mi risulta il contratto doveva scadere proprio il 31 dicembre scorso e che in vista delle prossime elezioni si pensava di usufruire di una sede più grande e attrezzata, in modo tale da poter ospitare anche i possibili alleati del Pdl». Gretti ha evidenziato come «l'ex sede di Corso Puccini fosse sì posizionata in centro ma risultasse troppo piccola per un’adeguata visibilità: una struttura quindi funzionale per il solo Pdl ma non adatta ad affrontare una campagna elettorale».


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'm like a gull flying
on the wings of imagination.
A non-stop flight is incredibly similar to what is my life ..
The Seagull is alone and tired, always on the move ..
not know where he has his own nest, and where he'll achieve peace. He
in a big regret ... but you can not ' stop.
must continue to fly.
No one can 'understand, he dreams of a perfect world
where he has the right to be able to stop ...
but instead continues to fly ...
who knows how long ....
But his arduous flight hours.
will be 'rewarded when I find' the happy island
where dreams and thoughts to the mix will actually its strength.
For him and for me tomorrow will be back .......

simply does not live ... I learned to paint my life, playing every note as if it were the last, singing and unfolding along the paths of my life, without hesitation, without the stancar.mi, but especially not adapt to dance to the tune painted by others.
I have always danced on my notes, with courage and determination.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

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GOOD Sunday
Who ..... still see the world through the astonished eyes of a child
who knows how to open your heart to love ... ..
Who ... spreads its wings to the discovery of a new heaven and is not satisfied with the quiet life ...
Who .... can listen to the words and still more the silence ...
Who ..... always has time for a hug ...
Who .... has experienced the pain and that is why he loves life more ...
Who ... knows how to smile with his eyes and his heart because he knows the price of tears ..... women like me, shows the first wrinkles because they speak of life lived with both hands ... and men who know how to love them for who they are ...
Who ... the broken-hearted but never tires of travel to the island that there is ...
Who ... has a crazy dream in the drawer ...
Who ... no longer dreams but does not give up and try again ... and finally ...
good Sunday ... to my saved souls ... that life is sweet with us and those we love ...


There are times when I feel the need to stop to look inside ... to see to believe .. or to see to believe .. the node is this .. I would like to see and then believe .. while life teaches me to believe without seeing ..'ll count my steps ... if not what are the beat of the music .. No more running smorzerà my breath ... than that which runs from here to eternity .. Never again .. ever "whisper my mouth, if not what preliminary nell'ingenuità of hope .. .. My time belongs to me always, although sometimes too short because it could take consciousness ... other times too long because it can lose track ..

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

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A flower called .... life.
I was born with a wonderful flower in the
hands smelling like never before, with my heart in my party I
approached gently and I took the gift that winter I
fece, e felice ho sfogliato piano , uno ad uno, i suoi petali , ho inspirato
il suo profumo , e ho lasciato che mi avvolgesse
l'anima in un caldo abbraccio.
Ho riempito i miei i occhi , con il suo colore , accumulando
petali di esperienza , che ho usato per acquisire saggezza . E quando non ci saranno più petali da sfogliare sul palmo della mano ,
avro il cuore di quel fantastico fiore... che è
La.. Vita
When we talk about love we are all a bit 'poets ... and if we talk in terms far from the poetry, then perhaps we are not worthy. Love is a noble sentiment sung by the poets, but experienced by everyone, even the most ... humble. But those who love true love, is a poet. So ... you love is for poets, for poets if we want those who love a pure and unselfish love, it is heard between the lines of a poem.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

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There is no money for the Hawthorn Town Hall

finger pointed at the interventions that have not seen the slightest appropriation, by the municipality of Muggia, in the budget. A move is once again the allegations that the opposition frantically waves his plan of works to be 3 million and 870 thousand euro to reiterate that the economic efforts to prove the majority on the part of the Region or the Province. Speaker of the accusations is Claudio Grizon, coordinator and City Council of the PDL, followed by the coordinator and deputy director Christian Gretti and heads group Fi Viviana Carboni and Paul Prodan of An. "There is one euro to the announced expansion from 500 000 € asylum "Hawthorn" in Chiampore - Grizon says - that there seems to be have an inadequate solution to the needs and the routes covered by their parents to go to work, or for the expansion of House of Music or the construction of the bike path Osp-Muggia. And even for the renovation of the ex Aquarium, where Nesladek intervened despite the pollution. " "But in addition to our concerns - he continues - there are also those of the Board of Auditors that, alluding to the case of custody of the work for the field of synthetic Zaule Teseco the value of € 500 thousand, offset by the reporting burden of urbanization future In its report, writes that "significant other note worthy about the possible litigation that might arise between a private entity Ente respect of the management of a sports town, a practice referred to in this College has officially asked for an explanation a few weeks" and also recall that is being "a thorough review of the contract work for the safety of the stretch of coast called Aquarius'
" They were then confirmed, despite our strong opposition - stress being Grizon, Gretta, Carboni and Prodan - increases the Tarsu recently challenged by the chairman of Ascot, after increased by 55% already applied by operators Nesladek Milje with the budget for 2010. " The opposition concludes by recalling how it was also "rejected the proposal from the left to increase the contribution of the private Catholic kindergarten, despite the issues raised in the nursery run by the SS. John and Paul, the Sisters of Canossian Aquilinia and Parish Zindis with generic pledge to uphold any difficult situations. "

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Since even one euro for the work Christmas Party 2010

"The plan of the works for 2011 is like a letter to Santa Claus, a list of pious intentions and 870 000 € 3 million, 7 million and 259 mila nel 2012 e 2 milioni e 50 mila euro nel 2013, per le quali Nesladek si propone di far domanda alla Regione e alla Provincia ma sul quale il centrosinistra non ha stanziato neanche un euro del Comune neppure per 2012 e 2013».
Ad affermarlo è Claudio Grizon, coordinatore e consigliere comunale del Pdl, che dopo l’approvazione dei documenti contabili per il 2011 evidenzia assieme al vice coordinatore e consigliere Christian Gretti e ai capigruppo di Fi Viviana Carboni e Paolo Prodan di An che «l’ultimo bilancio di Nesladek non ha avuto il voto del consigliere Veronese in quanto è stato curiosamente assente e non certo per un’influenza».
« On the other hand - continues Gretti - the tensions within the left had already emerged during the two sessions of the joint committees on the budget, if the quorum was secured by the directors of opposition, as even in that case were particularly suspicious of the absences and late former Alderman and Councillor Christine Tull Piero Veronese. "
"The programmatic report for next year - he continues - but without repeating the description of new ordinary activities of the offices and what has already been launched in recent years."
" But one thing is now certain - stress Grizon unison, Gretta, Carboni and Prodan - After 5 years we can say that this administration has accustomed us to a political ad that, in most cases, this has been: from the three proposals for the reuse of the old school of San Rocco, the bay-pass Zaule , maintenance of roads in the suburbs that has been torn to shreds and with poor performance is the arrangement of roads in the industrial zone only a few days ago was considered by the Board with our votes and will rely on funding from regional also came to € 500 thousand Muggia Muggia with the consent of the PDL. "
"Nesladek and the left - said by his Viviana Carboni - in 2010 did not want to take this situation of extraordinary income in order to initiate structural works and durable consensus preferring to ensure easy pouring rain, which, as in the case of allotment of funds to sports associations that we are still checking. "
"In fact - add Councillor Paul Prodan - despite 2 million and € 300 thousand to Urbanization fees, collected, distributed and partly already spent by Nesladek, Freetime from the mall and from what Northeast Coop intends to implement in the industrial area of \u200b\u200bNoghere million € and that the balance will come from the Northeast Coop, all interventions were born with the previous administration center-right, for each piece of territory is not the beak of a penny. "

Monday, January 17, 2011

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If I were an angel come down from
up there, ride the mainland, watching the sea, I piss
sand, walk at
alongside men, tell them mistake,
confused my eyes from those
tears ... torn ... confused and lost.
If I were an angel come down from above, where there is only the blue
a sky too blu.Toccherei the dry land, teach
the art of smile to those who still have not found .....
In life this can happen to wander, but let's dreams and hopes to live within us and sooner or later be able to see the horizon again. What matters is to live to win even one moment of happiness .

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

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Conference on Project Italiammassalik

Thursday, January 13 - 17 at
at the headquarters of the Cultural Association 'The Agave'
Costaguta 8 Via Chiavari - Genoa

Italiammassalik Project will be presented.

A short introduction of Luciana Vagge Saccorotti , a scholar of Arctic peoples, author of the book 'Arctic and subarctic peoples', followed by a short film shot
between villages besieged by ice Ammassalik of the Journey 2010 Italiammassalik organized by the Project.

Mauro Pierri, traveler and student of the peoples of Greenland and then expose the aims of the project.

conclude the meeting with a presentation of the environment natural and human in this remote corner of the world I had the good fortune to meet.

The website of The Agave

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

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toast together ....
Come drink with me.
.... If you're able to bring a smile on a face covered with wrinkles,
if you can .... to deflect a ray of sunshine in the shadow of gloomy thoughts,
if you can ..... to tame the frenzy around the world and inviting,
if you can ..... to drop his eyes and dream of flowery paths,
if you can .. to touch the stars with your finger because you have discovered love,
..... if you are able to love even the wind and the rain then the sun will, if
riesci.. ad afferrare l'attimo fuggente e coglierne i frutti succosi,
se riesci... a creare sul volto di un bimbo l'incanto di un mondo di fiaba,
se riesci ... a parlare di pace e convincere i grandi ch'è ora di amare,
se riesci .. a fermarti a innaffiare due chicchi di grano assetati;
se infine .riesci a godere del poco e donare quel tanto che resta,allora vieni e brindiamo insieme:ti offro un
Sorso di rugiada

With imagination I guess my life like a huge carousel in which there are many "attractions" to try, I can, as long runs, try all, some, or watch others go around .. No. .. no I create barriers, limits and do not be afraid to try new sensations, sooner or later "the carousel of life" and will stop and I can not click and every occasion will vanish forever. Here! sometimes the line between good and evil is so thin that they become confused, sometimes I seem to find myself on one side or the other senza nemmeno accorgermene ed è proprio lì, in quella terra di nessuno che sono veramente me stessa, perché tutto fluisce naturalmente . Aspetterò una nuova alba che mi porti un nuovo giorno felice triste pazzo malinconico strano e poi mi lascerà a così come ho vissuto. a l'importante non è come l'ho vissuto questo giorno, perché non sempre è facile stare bene, ma l'importante è che lo visto nascere e morire, e che domani ce n'è sarà un altro...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

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Non so se sono ciò che avrei
wanted to be, I do not know if what I
I wanted. But I know definitely what they are and this is my strength.
But despite this strength can not believe
... change the world and others,
but surely no one will ever change me! Following the natural
wake of My thoughts, I am free and I will always
to be myself! and one velvety shadows
sunset walk
serene, with a thousand memories alive in the mind,
with endless love in our hearts, happy for what
was, what will happen, and
For those who ... ARE.
I took my life on the rocks and flowers that I met, but I was very careful to keep them divided. The stones will help me to recognize the evil, the good and the flowers. The distinction of things will help me to live ...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

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The game of life ..
Life is a game to play,
not always win, but keep
biggest dream is to touch the horizon and
go further, and it's like to get up one day and count the steps that remain
to achieve it, listen again to the winds of life to
smile after they become of love ..
But it is also a game where I am a player of this game where my friends are those who give me advice. Sometimes I lose, certe volte vingo . Dio è colui che mi iscrive a questa partita
ed è anche colui che mi dice se ho giocato bene o se ho
giocato male . Se Dio mi aiutasse sarebbe come barare.
La prossima partita sulla vita ...
conto di vincerla .....

Se mi dovessero chiedere qual'è la terra tua ...sapete cosa risponderei ? Ovunque è casa mia...La dove il sole sorge e poi tramonta e la dove acqua bagna e vita dona ognora . La terra mia è ovunque il mio prossimo vive , ovungue c'è respiro e voglia di sorriso is my home. I hate them even envy and bitterness may house you do not love it is filled and no assists penalty ... I know, believe me, this is utopia, but the land so I would like mine.