José M ª García-Soto and Vice Chairman of the Management Information Builders Italy
La filiale italiana, guidata da José Mª García-Soto , Vicepresidente e Direttore Generale, si avvalerà della collaborazione dell’ing. Mauro Grassi , in qualità di Direttore dello Sviluppo del Business, che avrà la responsabilità di promuovere l’attività di Information Builders nel mercato italiano.
Oltre alla Direzione dello Sviluppo del Business, la struttura della nuova branch will be composed of specialized areas such as Technical Assistance, Pre-and Post-Sales, Professional Services, Finance and Administration, Marketing and Communications. The direct presence of Information Builders marks a new step forward in the company's strategy in the Italian market. How do you explain Mauro Grassi, " is twofold: to strengthen the relationship with customers through a more direct relationship and to strengthen our market leadership. For this we rely on a solid structure, advanced technology and constantly evolving, thanks to WebFOCUS platform, business intelligence and iWay Software suite di soluzioni di integrazione di dati, così come a una nuova offerta molto competitiva di servizi in grado di rispondere e anticipare le necessità del nostro mercato”.
Il business plan di Information Builders Italia per i prossimi tre anni , prevede un incremento del volume delle entrate pari a una media annuale del 15% . I pilastri che sosterranno questa crescita saranno: il consolidamento the relationship with existing customers and the supply of innovation, increased presence in new areas of activity, the development of a new range of consulting and professional services, creating a network of partners with high added value and extent of geographic coverage on a national scale.
Retail, Utilities and Healthcare: new areas of policy
With the opening of the Italian subsidiary, Information Builders strengthens its presence in a market which has been operating for over twenty years, through several local partners who have worked in exclusive mode, market and support its technology.
During this period, Information Builders has acquired key customers in strategic sectors such as the finance, of public administration, 's industry and ' s energy . These include companies such as BNL BNP Paribas Group, CINECA, Microtechnology, AZ Group,
For 2011 the main objective of Information Builders is to expand the presence especially in the areas of retail , the utility and health , through projects designed to implement the integration and data quality solutions with EIM (Enterprise Information Management) and DQC (Data Quality Center).
The company, which today has over 12,000 users, will target the large segment of and medium-sized companies with a differentiated for specific industry that fits the needs of this type of organizations.
José María García-Soto provides good opportunities for expansion Information Builders Italy. "The market needs BI in Italy - explanations are similar to other European countries. Companies need to save infrastructure costs and are therefore very receptive to introduce solutions such as WebFOCUS and iWay Software, available on any platform and very competitive not only in licensing fees, but also in administration and maintenance. "
Regarding the development of new solutions BI platform based on WebFOCUS there by the companies a great demand for analytic applications, aimed at the retention or will save costs through enterprise performance management (CPM). In addition, the need for organizations to optimize business processes, improving data quality and integration of enterprise applications missing, offers good prospects for business integration solutions for EIM and DQC of iWay Software.
strengthen the value proposition through partners
Per raggiungere gli obiettivi di crescita, Information Builders punta su una strategia di commercializzazione mista, che unisca il modello di vendita diretta con quello di vendita indiretta, attraverso una rete di partner a valore aggiunto. Questi partner integreranno l’offerta della multinazionale e apporteranno le loro competenze del mercato locale, la loro esperienza nei settori verticali, un’offerta competitiva di servizi professionali, così come una maggior copertura geografica nelle aree di Milano, Roma e Triveneto.
“ Il nostro obiettivo è quello di creare una struttura di partner a valore aggiunto il cui know-how Let expand our territory , "Grassi noted. The collaboration will focus on different areas of business or corporate departments that are currently generating a greater demand for solutions for enterprise performance management (PMF Performance Management Framework ) and applications " Customer Facing" , in which Information Builders is a recognized leader.
Information Builders Italy has signed the first agreements with partners such as Avrion, GDS and Ferlini Group, of which more will be added during the year. Moreover, it is working on developing dell’accordo aziendale raggiunto con la multinazionale italiana Tagetik per collaborare in progetti strategici nell’area del CPM (Corporate Performance Management).
Espansione internazionale
L’apertura della filiale italiana rientra nella strategia di crescita internazionale di Information Builders, che sta inaugurando nuovi uffici dipartimentali in tutto il mondo ed espandendosi geograficamente attraverso distributori esclusivi in mercati emergenti, compresi quelli dei paesi BRIC. La società ha rafforzato la propria presenza in Europa, dove è presente in over 40 countries and continues to maintain a high rate of growth in the APAC region. In Japan, a well-established market for the company, confirmed a total of 58 new customers in 2010. The company was established in China, where it is growing exponentially as confirmed by the 14 new customers acquired in the second half of 2010.
"Information Builders provides enormous opportunities for growth in countries where it is already present and in emerging markets and is prepared to make a profit efforts to expand outside North America," adds David Small, vice president Senior of the International Division of Information Builders.
About Information Builders
Information Builders provides software solutions and services that enable to make intelligent decisions and streamline processes in leading companies market public and private sectors, as well as in educational institutions around the world . The software platform Information Builders is active in tens of thousands of companies , serving millions of users. WebFOCUS , Business Intelligence Platform distributes applications for information management on a large scale for the analysis and for the development of customer-facing portals the new generation of users of ' information, resulting competitive advantages in their business.
The integration platform iWay Software allows companies to use information resources for all agilizzare internal processes and external
Headquartered in New York and 60 offices around the world, Information Builders has over 1350 professionals and has strong collaborations with leading industry partners.
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