Wednesday, January 19, 2011

For Sale Snow Plow For Sale In Vancouver


A flower called .... life.
I was born with a wonderful flower in the
hands smelling like never before, with my heart in my party I
approached gently and I took the gift that winter I
fece, e felice ho sfogliato piano , uno ad uno, i suoi petali , ho inspirato
il suo profumo , e ho lasciato che mi avvolgesse
l'anima in un caldo abbraccio.
Ho riempito i miei i occhi , con il suo colore , accumulando
petali di esperienza , che ho usato per acquisire saggezza . E quando non ci saranno più petali da sfogliare sul palmo della mano ,
avro il cuore di quel fantastico fiore... che è
La.. Vita
When we talk about love we are all a bit 'poets ... and if we talk in terms far from the poetry, then perhaps we are not worthy. Love is a noble sentiment sung by the poets, but experienced by everyone, even the most ... humble. But those who love true love, is a poet. So ... you love is for poets, for poets if we want those who love a pure and unselfish love, it is heard between the lines of a poem.


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