Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Eyes Too Close Together Medical

Conference on Project Italiammassalik

Thursday, January 13 - 17 at
at the headquarters of the Cultural Association 'The Agave'
Costaguta 8 Via Chiavari - Genoa

Italiammassalik Project will be presented.

A short introduction of Luciana Vagge Saccorotti , a scholar of Arctic peoples, author of the book 'Arctic and subarctic peoples', followed by a short film shot
between villages besieged by ice Ammassalik of the Journey 2010 Italiammassalik organized by the Project.

Mauro Pierri, traveler and student of the peoples of Greenland and then expose the aims of the project.

conclude the meeting with a presentation of the environment natural and human in this remote corner of the world I had the good fortune to meet.

The website of The Agave


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